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Eglwys yn cymeradwyo gwasanaeth bendithio ar gyfer partneriaethau o’r un rhyw
Bydd cyplau o’r un rhyw yn gallu derbyn bendith ar eu partneriaeth sifil neu briodas yn eglwysi yr Eglwys yng Nghymru am y tro cyntaf ar ôl i ddeddfwriaeth newydd gael ei phasio heddiw (Medi 6).
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Yn ddiweddar ar twitter
03:32 YH - 6 Gor 2023
Following the funeral of Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and Harvey Evans, 15, who died the night of the Ely riots. Rev'd Cano…
01:08 YH - 6 Gor 2023
#year4 @LlandaffEd @LlandaffDio Absolutely wonderful to have Revd Emma with us this morning talking about prayer.…
12:59 YH - 6 Gor 2023
We pray for the friends and families of Kyrees Sullivan and Harvey Evans today as the boys are laid to rest in thei…
02:29 YH - 5 Gor 2023
🖐️Are you a #BSL user? Are you integrated into the wider #deaf community? Do you have a heart for mission?
The Llan…
02:20 YH - 5 Gor 2023
'The DNA of our NHS is about bringing hope to tough situations' - Bishop of @LlandaffDio
09:06 YB - 5 Gor 2023
Oh wow! 🤩 look at this wonderful banner which has been designed using contributions from schools across the diocese…
08:57 YB - 5 Gor 2023
Looking forward to speaking at the @LlandaffDio and @MonmouthDCO Festival of Prayer this Saturday on 'Prayerful Rea…
09:58 YH - 4 Gor 2023
Wonderful to see. Well done everyone!
03:47 YH - 4 Gor 2023
2000-4000 people will line the streets in Ely for the funeral of Kyrees Sullivan and Harvey Evans who were killed t…
12:03 YH - 4 Gor 2023
@EsgobMary @ChurchOfRes @NHSuk #nhswales