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Electoral College: Behind the scenes

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English content

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By Rev'd Zoe King, Electoral College member and Ministry Area Leader in Barry.On Thursday 19 January, Archbishop Andrew John opened the west doors of Llandaff Cathedral and announced that the Rt Revd Mary Stallard, Assistant Bishop in Bangor, was to become the 73rd Bishop of Llandaff. The announcement was made on day two of Electoral College and was the culmination of months of weekly meetings and many hours of Zoom.

Welsh content

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The twelve Llandaff electors - six clerical and six lay - ranged in tradition from being nowhere near a candle stick to higher up the candle. There was a wide range of theological viewpoints and also in age. During our time together we prayed together, ate together, agreed, disagreed and been on completely different sides. But always there has been laughter, grace and a whole hearted desire to do the best for the future of the diocese.

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We didn’t, however, do it on our own. From the start we were determined the wider views of the diocese would be taken into account. We can not thank you all enough for quickly responding to the questions that were sent. We were aware we had very little time but Llandaff, you rose to the challenge. It became very clear that the profile needed to reflect the needs of the diocese. The profile allowed the provincial electors to understand what Llandaff needed in their new Bishop. Without breaking confidentiality, I can say it was highly praised for being so clear and up front about what the diocese was looking for.

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As we gathered for Holy Eucharist on the first day of Electoral College, we were pleased others from the diocese joined us for worship. The sun shone and the incense rose lazily in the sunbeams as we began the process we had spent months preparing for.

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It was two days framed in grace, prayerfulness and opportunities to talk openly and frankly. It was a space abundant with grace and where the Holy Spirit was present.

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For us newbies on the Electoral College we were blessed by the experience of those who had been on previous electoral colleges. Special thanks must go to Archdeacon Mike for keeping us on track and to Simon Lloyd from the Representative Body of the Church in Wales for his gentle facilitation.

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Reactions from the diocese

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Read the reactions from across the diocese. Diocese Reacts to New Bishop of Llandaff