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Diocese Reacts to New Bishop of Llandaff

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The Rt Rev’d Mary Stallard has been elected the new Bishop of Llandaff by the Electoral College of the Church in Wales on the second day of its meeting at Llandaff Cathedral.Bishop Mary, who is currently the Assistant Bishop in Bangor, said, “It is a real privilege to receive this new call which I will do my very best to live up to faithfully.”After the news was officially announced, Archdeacon of Margam, Mike Komor, said, “Mary, we're so looking forward to coming to the diocese that I'm taking up this new role. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts a seriously warm welcome from every one of us.“I've had the privilege of knowing you and working alongside you in a few capacities over the course of the years. This will be a new experience for me and a new experience for you as a diocesan bishop.“I know that you'll fit very seamlessly into the diocese while also bringing a particular blend of challenges and support that I know you contribute to the life of the work here. So welcome and we look forward to your arrival.”

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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Diocese of Llandaff (@diocesellandaff)

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Ely priest, Rev’d Canon Jan Gould, said “I am absolutely delighted with the news of Mary's election as our next Bishop of Llandaff. She's going to be such a gift to our diocese. We're really, really looking forward to welcoming you, Mary. And we know that you bring great gifts; gifts that we really need at this time and I'm just so excited to be welcoming you among us.”

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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Diocese of Llandaff (@diocesellandaff)

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The announcement was made at the west door of the Cathedral by the Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, after Bishop Mary secured the necessary two-thirds majority vote.Archbishop Andrew said, “Bishop Mary has served the Diocese of Bangor with enormous energy, faithfulness and joy. It is a huge privilege for us now to be able to pass her to the Diocese of Llandaff where we know she will bring all of the gifts that she has shown us. We are so delighted for her.”

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Bishop Mary’s election will be formally confirmed at a Sacred Synod service in April. She will be enthroned as the 73rd Bishop of Llandaff at Llandaff Cathedral shortly afterwards.The election follows the retirement at the end of December of June Osborne, who served as Bishop of Llandaff from 2017. Llandaff Diocese serves nearly half the population of Wales as it includes most of Cardiff, the South Wales valleys and the Vale of Glamorgan.