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Ringing Out for the Coronation

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English content

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The bells of Llandaff Cathedral will be ringing to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on the morning of May 6th.This will start with chiming the bells at 8.45am followed by a quarter peal and then more general ringing.The ringing will last for almost 2 hours before the ceremony at Westminster Abbey.Many ringers have expressed an interest in taking part and the ringing will include some who have recently been learning following the appeal to "Ring for the King".It is also planned to ring the following day as part of the celebrations on the Cathedral Green in Llandaff.

Welsh content

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Coronation Celebrations

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A sung mass for the coronation of King Charles III will be held in Margam Abbey at 8.30am on Coronation Day Saturday 6th before following the day’s events on TV.In the valleys, St Elvan’s are showing the coverage of the Coronation on their big screen and hosting an Afternoon Tea at 3:30pm.St Fagan’s Aberdare are having an Afternoon Tea on Sunday 7th May and are celebrating volunteers on the 8th May asking people to send in pictures of their volunteering efforts, and then making a collage to celebrate how much everyone gives to the community.The Mayor of Barry will be joining St Mary’s Church as they host a King’s Coronation Coffee Morning.St Catharine's Church, Baglan (Ministry Area of Port Talbot) will mark the Coronation with a Coronation Lunch on Friday, 12th May.

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How is Wales represented in the Coronation?

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The Cross of Wales, a new processional cross presented by His Majesty King Charles III as a centenary gift to the Church in Wales, will lead the Coronation procession at Westminster Abbey on 6 May.Inscribed with words from St David’s last sermon, the Cross of Wales was blessed by the Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, at Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno, on 19th April.Read more: The Cross of Wales will lead Coronation procession