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Elections – You Can Make a Difference!

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In 2023, the Diocese of Llandaff is holding elections for the Governing Body, Representative Body and Property Group. Please find below all the information you should need about the process and nominating.

Welsh content

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GB and RB elections

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The Ven. Mike Komor writes:Every year the diocese Conference elects people to various Church in Wales bodies. This year there are elections for both the Governing Body (GB) of the CinW (the ‘parliament’ of the Church) and the Representative Body (RB - the ‘financial and legal’ arm of the Church). Both elections are for a three-year period beginning 1 January 2024.It is the GB that sets the vision for the province and agrees the Constitution that governs its activities. The RB is the charity that holds nearly all the churches, church halls, parsonages etc. in trust for the diocese and Ministry Areas, as well as being the central financial body that pays clergy stipends, manages their pensions etc.More information about the GB can be found here, and the RB here.In general terms, most licenced CinW clergy can stand for election to either (or both) of these bodies, as can most lay members of the church who are between 18-75 years old. For full details please see the relevant nomination forms below.Anyone can nominate and second for these posts, though it will be the lay and clerical members of the Diocesan Conference who will vote in the elections.Our elections this year will be held in the first four weeks of September. You will need to send any nomination papers by 9am on 21 August.Diocesan Conference Members – Lay and ClergyThe process will be run online through ElectionRunner, as in previous years. If you have not received an email with voting options by 3rd September, please check your spam/junk folder for an email from ElectionRunner. If an appropriate email hasn’t come through let us know at asap, so that we can add you to the ballot.

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GB Clerical Nomination Form

RB Clerical Nomination Form

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GB Lay Nomination Form

RB Lay Nomination Form

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Property Group

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In 2023 the Diocese of Llandaff intends to combine the groups responsible for various types of property, in particular houses, halls and churches. There is a new Property Group, whose responsibilities will cover the work of the Parsonage Board and the Churches and Pastoral Committee. This will ensure that we have the right houses to house sufficient clergy in the right locations, the best support to maintain church buildings and halls and develop them to be flexible to meet the needs and mission of our Ministry Areas, so that we have the right churches in the right places fulfilling the right functions. The Group will bring a missional, spiritual and strategic overview to these responsibilities to best serve the diocesan Vision and God’s mission, so that our resources in terms of property tell a joyful story, grow the kingdom of God and build our capacity for good.Eligibility: Lay or clerical members of Diocesan Conference who are over 18 years of age and under 75 (if lay) or under 70 (if clergy).Commitment: The members elected by the Diocesan Conference shall hold office for six years and shall be eligible for re-election without limit on the number of terms served. The Group will meet at least twice in each year.Expenses: Reasonable travel costs are reimbursed.

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Property Group Nomination Form