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Reverends Refresh on Annual Wales to Walsingham Pilgrimage

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Half the Ministry Areas of Llandaff Diocese were represented at this year's South Wales Walsingham Pilgrimage. The small village of Little Walsingham in Norfolk becomes, if only for a few days, the home for some one hundred and thirty Welsh pilgrims.Fr Chris Seaton, vicar in the Barry Ministry Area writes:This year the journey began back in South Wales on the Monday morning, a journey of two hundred and sixty miles and more lay before the pilgrims. It was a journey that many of them had made before, in some cases for the last fifty years or so. Walsingham has become a home from home and that is exactly how those pilgrims who come year after year refer to Our Ladies Shrine, it is home. It is a place that, in the words of this year’s pilgrimage theme, has ‘God gladdening their hearts with joy’, they are words that could be used to describe every pilgrimage, past, present and no doubt, future as well. It is an old cliché, but words are not enough to describe to others exactly the feelings that can, at times, overwhelm one’s sensibilities.The liturgy without doubt is superb, a reflection on the time and effort that Fr Dean Atkins and Fr Ben Andrews put into the preparation and presentation through their organisation of the clergy and lay servers who attend the pilgrimage. Emotions can, and do, run high as memories for the seasoned pilgrim, and first-time encounters, for those who are new, well up in the liturgy of healing - the laying on of hands, anointing and reconciliation and, of course, during Exposition, Benediction and procession of the Blessed Sacrament.Stations of the cross around the shrine grounds can, at times, seem a little hectic as groups of pilgrims, led by one of the Priests, can be heard singing as they process from station to station almost as if they are in competition with each other. Hectic it may seem, but it is wonderful to behold. On Wednesdays the pilgrimage as a whole descends upon the Parish church at Little Walsingham for Mass, the Welsh flag is there to meet us, and we enjoy the hospitality given these last few years by the Parish Priest, Fr Harri Williams, himself a Welshman and product of the CinW.This is but a glimpse of the wonder of Walsingham. One Pilgrim was heard to say that, the whole year is a pilgrimage in anticipation of return to the Shrine of Our Lady. Return is always in the heart, next year cannot come soon enough.

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