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Urgent Call for Prayers for the Holy Land

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Friends of the Holy Land requests all Christians and people of other faiths to unite in prayer for all who have lost their lives in the terrible events in the Holy Land, for the immediate release of those taken hostage and for all those living in the Holy Land in their anguish, fear and desperation. Please remember in your prayers our Christian brothers and sisters trying to stay safe in Gaza and those in the West Bank and Israel staying at home fearful of the blind rage of the rhetoric of war, retribution and revenge. Pray for a swift cease-fire, a de-escalation to the violence in the wider area and that a path to a lasting peace be identified.In the words of Pope Francis and His Eminence the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. “Let us pray with one heart and one soul – Lord come to our aid, grant us peace, teach us peace, guide our steps in the way of peace. Open our eyes and our hearts and give us the courage to say: ‘Never again war.’ Lord Hear Us.”Friends of the Holy Land has a dedicated webpage with prayers on our website that we hope will inspire you. we also invite you to add your prayers.

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