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Ministerial Development Review

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The Church in Wales bears a responsibility for the pastoral care and professional development of its Clergy, whilst Clergy are responsible to God for the ministry entrusted to them, and to the Church and to one another for the way in which it is exercised.Ministerial Development Review (MDR) is designed to encourage:an ongoing process of reflection and learning based on affirmation and accountabilitya culture of life-long learning and ministerial developmentreflection on ministerial practicethe setting of challenging, yet achievable, objectivesA key feature of MDR is a guided discussion with a reviewer, often referred to as the ‘Review Meeting’. This provides an important opportunity for ministers to share their reflections, insights and hopes with others who have a responsibility for their well-being and growth in ministry. It seeks to enable reflection on the last year or so, presenting an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for all that has been good. Equally, it also provides space to acknowledge what has not gone so well, and to identify where additional guidance and support may be required.Ministers work in a wide variety of different contexts right across the Church in Wales, but each will have made the same promises to their Bishop at their Ordination:Will you be diligent in prayer, in studying the Holy Scriptures, and in continuing to equip yourself for ministry in the Church?MDR seeks to encourage ministers to revisit those promises, and to reflect on their relevance in their current ministerial practice and context.We are beginning the process of reviewing all clergy who hold the Bishop’s licence on an annual basis. The process followed will be:

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Once the process has completed the first cycle the reviewer will be given a copy of the summary and goals from the previous review to aid looking back over the past year before looking to the next 12 months.The reviewers will be different each year and will follow a different cycle depending upon whether the minister is an area dean / ministry area leader or a vicar / assistant curate / associate priest within a ministry area.

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The Bishop’s office will be responsible for administering MDR. The office will contact the clergy to be reviewed during the next quarter, providing them with an electronic copy of the MDR form and the name of the person who will carry out their review. The reviewer will contact the minister to arrange the date and time of the review meeting. If a minister is unhappy with the person appointed to carry out their review, then they should contact the Bishop’s office.The review form contains questions that are standard across the Church in Wales and questions which are specific to the Diocese of Llandaff, these specific questions will change from time to time.St Padarn’s website has some further general information here.

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MDR Infographics (PDF)

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