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Bell ringers needed for Llandaff Cathedral

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English content

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Bell ringers are being sought as church bells ring-out once again at Llandaff Cathedral. Not all volunteers have returned to duty following lockdown but the Cathedral is hopeful that new people will step forward to be part of an ancient tradition. Bob Woodward, Tower Captain at Llandaff Cathedral, says, " As life begins to return to normal we are hopeful that church bells can play their part in telling a joyful story. We have been cautiously returning to ringing at the Cathedral since the beginning of June. Observing social distancing rules and other precautions has meant that we have not yet been able to recruit new bell ringers as training requires us being in close proximity."The number of our ringers has recently been depleted for a variety of reasons and we will be eager to recruit and train new ringers as soon as we are able to do so.We want to be able to make the joyful sound of the bells ring out again so we will be looking for new recruits hopefully in the autumn.

Welsh content

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"This is an important activity in proclaiming the work of the church as well as an enjoyable and sociable activity which promotes fitness and wellbeing. It is an activity to engage in after restrictions end which contributes to our heritage and traditions going back over centuries.This is the same situation for parishes with rings of bells across the diocese where teams of ringers may be keen to welcome new recruits."We will be letting people know when we are able to start training new ringers but in the meantime if you want to know more please contact me or ringers at your local church."How to applyAnyone 12 years and over is welcome to apply and training will take place when it is safe to do so. Please email Bob Woodward to register your interest.

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Friends of Llandaff Cathedral

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The Annual Report from Friends of Llandaff Cathedral is now available. Email your name and address and a copy will be posted to you.Visit the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral website to find out more about their work and membership.