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Text block 1

Our hope is to identify and provide training from the YFM team, other MA's and the Diocese's partners to support professional development within Children and Youth Ministry. This could be from safeguarding to how to disciple a youth group.Objective – To equip leaders to develop and disciple children and young people through quality training.

Welsh content

Faqs block 2

Preparation list


This is key to making sure that all are protected and cared for to the highest level.-CinW Safeguard Training-Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

Risk Assessment

To aid all in meeting the professional standard expected in the CinW, the official CinW Risk Assessment guide is available.-CinW Risk Assessment

Text block 3

key:z = available on zoomp = available in person

Text block 4

Enquiries about training: enquiries: us on IG: youngfaithmatters