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Messy Church

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English content

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Messy Church is a way of being Church for families and others. It is Christ centered, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

Welsh content

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Messy Church Website

Further information about Messy Church.

Click here to visit page


Session material and resources to purchase.

Click here to visit page

Events and Training

Further information about upcoming events.

Click here to visit page

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The following resources are available to loan from the diocese.If you would like to loan a resource please fill out the form or contact

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BooksMessy Church 1Messy Church 2Messy Church 3Messy NativityMaking Disciples in Messy ChurchMessy PrayerMessy TheologyMessy LyfeMessy Church CelebrationsFour Messy MomentsMessy TogethernessMessy HospitalityMessy Discipleship

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Book your resources

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