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Grants for Digital Giving Devices

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English content

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Contactless giving is a safe and easy way for people to donate to a church. It works best alongside your regular giving opportunities and is perfect for one-off situations such Carol Services, Christmas Fayres, baptisms, weddings, funerals and confirmations. Contactless giving can be used for fundraising, taking payments, and for when regular givers want to give a little extra.

Welsh content

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Grants for Ministry Areas

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The Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) are providing grants to Ministry Areas to cover the cost of having a giving device in every church.How does it work?Visit Parish Buying and decide what contactless device you need.Buy it and send your invoice/receipt to the Diocesan Office.If you require the grant up front please provide a list of devices you are ordering.Grants are available per Ministry Area to allow for a device in each church.

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How much is available for my Ministry Area?

Grants are available to each Ministry Area to the value of £90 per church.

We are not a Ministry Area yet. Can we still claim for the grant?

Yes. We want to make this process as easy as possibly so please go ahead and order the contactless giving device.

We'd like to have the devices before Christmas. Can we order now and claim the grant back?

Yes you can. With the increase in visitors to your church, Adent and Christmas is the perfect time to introduce contactless giving.

Is there a maximum amount of grant that we can claim?

The Grant is to a maximum of £90 per church

Are grants available if a device is purchased outside of the Parish Buying scheme?

Yes. As long as you are confident that the devise suits your needs. We recommend Parish Buying as they have a comprehensive list of devices and provide useful advice and special deals for churches.Other providers include Payaz which the Parish of Porthcawl use. You can also find Payaz devices on the Parish Buying website Parish Buying - Payaz Giving Station.Try also GWD and these devices are also available through Parish Buying Parish Buying - GWD contactless devices

Does the grant include ongoing monthly subscriptions?

Ongoing monthly costs will need to be met by the Ministry Area.

Do you know of any offline devices that do not require an ongoing monthly subscription?

SumUp devices do not require an ongoing subscription (see but if they are not connected to a network, the transaction fee is higher (2.5% cf 1.69%).

Some devices require a tablet better for collection of gift aid. Does the grant include the cost of purchasing a tablet?

It is unlikely that £90 would cover the cost of a tablet as well as the payment device. You could apply to the Mission Fund for a grant. Email for more information.

Can I speak to a church who use using contactless giving?

Yes, contact the Diocesan Office who will pass on details of people you can speak

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Contact the Diocesan Office

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Email Use this email address to send your invoice/receipt and apply for the grant.