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Archbishop of Wales' Advent message to the Diocese of Llandaff

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Andy John who has served as the Bishop of Bangor for 13 years, has been chosen as the 14th Archbishop of Wales.Bishop June Osborne welcomed the news saying, " It is wonderful news that we have a new Archbishop. I know Archbishop Andy will help us bring new growth and confidence to the Church in Wales. Please pray for him as he takes up his new role."As he ends his first week in post, Archbishop Andy recorded a special Advent message for the Diocese of Llandaff.

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Archbishop of Wales' Advent message to the Diocese of Llandaff

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I'm really delighted to be able to share a few words with all my friends and good colleagues in the Diocese of Llandaff.The last 72 hours I think you can imagine have probably been a bit of a haze for me and only now the responsibility and the call to service is sinking in to be the 14th Archbishop in the province of Wales.We truly have something to share with one another and also with our world.One thing that has come across to me in all of the good wishes that have come to me is that our church is one of the most wonderful and beautiful organisations to belong to. We truly have something to share with one another and also with our world. And that's perhaps more significant at this time of year as we approach Christmas when we remember the extraordinary message that Almighty God stepped into human affairs and made his love known in the babe of Bethlehem."Our church is one of the most wonderful and beautiful organisations to belong to.But not only are we people of words, we're people of deeds and making Jesus known in the simple things. The act of kindness and being involved in transforming acts of mercy and grace in our society is that we're called to.And so thank you for your good wishes. It's great to share with you in the life of the church and the partnership that unites us in Jesus Christ.And can I take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed Advent and of course a really happy Christmas.

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Announcement of the election of Archbishop Andy John

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Archbishop Andy was elected on Monday 6 December, having secured a two-thirds majority vote from members of the Electoral College on the first day of its meeting at Holy Trinity Church, Llandrindod Wells. Read more on the Church in Wales website.

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