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Faith Matters

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English content

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On this page:Our VisionIntroducing Where Faith MattersGoverning Body 2021 presentation

Welsh content

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Our Vision

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At the Diocesan Conference 2023 on Saturday 30th September, the Bishop of Llandaff Mary Stallard changed the diocesan strapline from 'Where Faith Matters' to 'Faith Matters'.

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Where Faith Matters

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Where Faith Matters was the diocesan five-year strategy from 2017-2022 to grow faith and transform our church communities.Because faith matters.Our vision is that all may encounter and know the love of God through truth, beauty and service, living full and rich lives through faith.Transforming lives through living and bearing witness to Jesus Christ is our calling. We seek to do this in a Diocese that is strong, confident, alive and living in faith, engaged with the realities of life and serving others in His name.Our profound belief in the sovereignty of God means that we will look to continue Christ’s church and mission by telling the joyful story of Jesus, growing the Kingdom of God by empowering all to participate and building the future in hope and love.Our shared aimsTelling a joyful story.Growing the Kingdom of God.Building our capacity for good.

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Read our strategy


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Introducing Where Faith Matters

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Bishop June, former Bishop of Llandaff, introduces Where Faith Matters. Recorded during Lent 2019.

Listen on SoundCloud

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Telling a joyful story

Rev Christopher Smith tells us more about the first of three shared aims, Telling a Joyful Story.

Listen on SoundCloud

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Growing the Kingdom of God

The Venerable Peggy Jackson, Archdeacon of Llandaff, explains our strategy for growing the kingdom of God.

Listen on SoundCloud

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Building Our Capacity For Good

Archdeacon Mike Komor explains how we're building our capacity for good.

Listen on SoundCloud

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Presentation to Church in Wales Governing Body

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Presentation slides with videos

Where Faith Matters presentation

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Where Faith Matters video

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Ministry Areas

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Young Faith Matters & Citizen Church Cardiff

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Leadership & Culture

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Church and the Future of Wales