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Ministry and discipleship event launches at Margam Abbey

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Diocese of Llandaff Ministry team are hosting a brand new Ministry Fair to celebrate new expressions of discipleship. Rev'd Peter Lewis tells us more about this brand new event.

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People from across the diocese are invited to Margam Abbey on Saturday 14th May from 11am to 4pm to be celebrate what God is doing in our shared life together and to be inspired at how we might be called into new expression of being disciples.It’s been a long time since we’ve had the chance to gather so a great day out has been planned in Margam Park and Abbey for adults and children. This is an opportunity to reconnect as a diocese and reflect afresh on how we may live out faith in our daily lives.For clergy, this will be an essential resource with a prayerful ambience to encourage individuals or congregations to explore a calling or further their discipleship. This event is also ideal for people looking to explore whether God is calling them to deepen their faith. All will find something that will spark off their imagination. There is also a dedicated children’s programme for all ages together to explore being led by God.We plan for there to be various zones with the Abbey and Park that group together related aspects of discipleshipA marketplace for people connected to various church groups, mission organisations, social action initiatives and fellowships to share their news and widen our horizons.A meet-up area to socialise with diocesan teams and a place for those on the Ministry Area Council or people with other ministry area roles to interact. It will include a focus on exploring licensed roles within church congregations, secular organisations and branching out into pioneering projects. The Mothers’ Union are planning a big meet-up with a Teddy Bears Picnic as we think about God taking us through difficult times.A forum area will have a timetable of TED talks based on people living out their faith in daily life and include discussions on approaches to organising and promoting discipleship in our congregations, including the Thy Kingdom Come initiative for Ascensiontide.Different styled worship will be timetabled throughout the event with outdoors activities like prayer trails and Forest Church sessions.Further details will be released soon. For now, please save the date and ask your congregations to attend.For more information please contact Revd. Peter Lewis