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Pray for a more compassionate response towards asylum seekers

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English content

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The Diocese of Llandaff is gravely concerned about the UK Government's decision to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. As we approach a new parliamentary session in Westminster and the State Opening of Parliament on Tuesday 10 May, we invite you to pray with us as we urge lawmakers to consider their decisions and the lasting impact they will have on the world’s most vulnerable.

Welsh content

Text block 2

Heavenly Father, King of kings, Lord of lords, look down upon our humble institutionsand replenish our British and Welsh lawmakers with the grace of your Holy Spirit.As they gather to debate policy that impacts the most vulnerable in our world,may they walk humbly in the way of you son Jesus Christ,remembering his teaching that, as we do to the least, we do to him.In all that our lawmakers do, in Parliament and the Senedd,may they strive not for fleeting populism, but for the greatness of your Kingdom and the common good of all.Unite us through your spirit in the condemnation of oppression,mobilise us to protect the dignity of all crafted in your image,and empower us care for all of your glorious creation,through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen