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Become a Friend of Llandaff Cathedral

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Friends of Llandaff Cathedral recently held their first Festival since Covid. Linda Quinn, Chair of Trustees, tells us more about the Festival and the work of the Friends.

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It was wonderful to be able to host our first Festival since Covid and showcase the very best of Llandaff Cathedral. At Festal Evensong on Saturday 2nd July we heard glorious music from the two Cathedral choirs, including the Stanford in A setting and Parry's 'I was glad.' We held the annual Friends' Chorister Awards for service to the choir and Cathedral community. Certificates were presented to choristers Lily Robinson and Zach Halbert by President of the Friends, Capt Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards and myself. Philip Morris, former Archdeacon of Margam, gave the Friends lecture about the Celtic Community at Llantwit Major, which was founded by St Illtyd in the 5th century and rapidly became the first great hub of Celtic Christianity. On Sunday we welcomed acting Dean Archdeacon Michael Komor who preached at our Festal Eucharist.You can read more about Llantwit Major's Celtic Christian historynin Philip Morris' book, Llanilltud, available from Y Lolfa. Become a Friend of Llandaff CathedralThe Friends exist to support the Cathedral, its fabric, music and heritage. The Friends are people of all ages from across the world and across the diocese who value the Cathedral and contribute to both its history and development. The Festival is one of the many ways we support the Cathedral. Other ways we support includes funding for the windows saved from the 1941 bombing, clerestory repairs, the organ, music department and choirs, equipment for livestreaming services, the Bishop Marshall panel, guide books and the visitor panels.We couldn't do it without the help of our generous supporters. If you would like to become a Friend of Llandaff Cathedral visit our website Friends’ Events (

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