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5 Ways to Combat the Cost-of-Living Crisis

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1. Speak out – Write to your MP

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The current cost of living crisis has a complex array of causes, and there are no simple solutions but speaking out helps push for change.Write to/email your Member of Parliament or your Member of the Senedd/Aelodau o'r Senedd and bring to their attention the problems the cost of living is creating in their constituency. Tell them about your own experience or on behalf of another person or group.Changes within the Westminster Government, such as the Prime Minister resigning, hinders the process of getting quick and reactive changes to policies, but many voices pushing for the same attention to the cost of living increases the urgency for a reaction from those in government.With strong advocacy for attention to the cost of living, we can make change a priority for the government and show that we cannot and will not settle for less. We believe that when we speak together as one, we can use our voice bring about real change, whether over devolved matters in the Senedd or UK-wide at Westminster.The Diocese of Llandaff wants to work with churches and Ministry Areas to raises our collective voice on the causes that matter to you. The Diocese also wishes to reach out to MPs, to implore the UK Government to increase benefits in line with the current rate of inflation this year.If you’d like to join us, please contact the Diocesan Senior Outreach Officer at can find the contact details of your MP and MS/AS here: or here: you'd like some advice or support in writing to your Member of Parliament or Member of the Senedd/Aelodau o'r Senedd then please also contact Christoph Auckland.

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2. Campaign for Better – Partner with Citizens Cymru

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With our partners at Citizens Cymru, the Diocese of Llandaff has been supporting the living wage campaign across Wales.Since it launched in 2001 the Living Wage campaign has won over £1.8 billion of additional wages, lifting over 260,000 people in the UK out of working poverty.Alongside Citizens Cymru, we’re campaigning to ask employers, particularly health boards and local authorities in Wales, to step up and ensure that all their staff and contractors, from cleaners, to security guards to catering staff, get at least the real Living Wage - currently £9.90.This summer we have been out encouraging local authorities in Wales to accredit as living wage employers to ease the strain on the cost of living this summer.If you're Ministry Area is interested in getting involved in the campaign for a living wage with Citizens Cymru, you can email Citizen Cymru's Community Organiser, Fiona Meldrum, at, or the Diocesan Senior Outreach Officer at

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3. Help one another – Support foodbanks

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Trussell Trust FoodbanksFoodbanks play a significant role in supporting families in poverty - in the last year food banks in the Trussell Trust network provided more than 2.1 million food parcels to people across the UK.Do you know where your local foodbank is? You can find a map of all the Trussell Trust food banks here. Why not get in touch to see how you can support them.Your Local PantryTo access a food bank you usually need a voucher issued by care professionals such as a health visitor, staff at school, or social workers. Therefore, many who may need support from a food bank can’t or won’t access one. Fortunately, there are a variety of other schemes that churches and Ministry Areas can utilize to provide food at low or no cost to their community.Your Local Pantry is a UK-wide network offering fresh, tinned, frozen and chilled foods to specific local communities who join as a members. Members pay a small subscription of a few pounds a week, and in return can choose groceries worth many times more.Find out about if there is a ‘Your Local Pantry’ in your area and looking into volunteering, donating food or becoming a ‘partner’ or ‘friend’. If you would like to start your own pantry, the Your Local Pantry website has handbooks, templates, materials, training and support. Take a look.If you’re interested in setting up a social supermarket or pantry the Outreach team are here to support you. Contact Christoph Auckland, Senior Outreach Officer, at

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4. Look out for your community – Know where to get help

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Christians Against PovertyChristians Against Poverty (CAP) provides free debt help and local community groups offering free, church run local services that provide practical and emotional support to those struggling. Whilst many struggling with the cost of living will simply be seeing their income squeezed and not be struggling with debt, CAP projects are still useful tools to support people to get more from their money.As the diocese is fully committed to supporting our communities with the cost of living, funding is being made available to support Ministry Areas in introducing a variety of CAP projects, and can provide support through the Outreach team to get these projects up and running.Read more about what CAP does.Get involved with CAP.WellbeingStruggling with the cost of living has an enormous toll on our emotional wellbeing. Many parents will be opting to go hungry to feed their children, or switching off heating to reduce bills. It's vital that we look out for the emotional wellbeing of those around us as we reach out to meet their immediate physical needs.Find out more about wellbeing resources.

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5. Pray for change – Bring your struggles to God

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The realities of the cost-of-living crisis can be overwhelming and helping others and fighting for better is not always easy. As Christians we believe in the power of prayer and encourage you to take your struggles to God, however big or small, pray for your those in need in your community and join us in praying for change.Heavenly Father, King of kings, Lord of lords,look down upon our humble institutionsand replenish our British and Welsh lawmakerswith the grace of your Holy Spirit.As they debate policies that impact the most vulnerable in our world,may they walk humbly in the way of you son Jesus Christ,remembering his teaching that, as we do to the least, we do to him.May we all open our eyes to those who are struggling,open our ears to those in need,and open our hearts to respond.Particularly at this time of transition,as Conservative MPs and members decide their future leader and our Prime Minister,may the Spirit of wisdom guide their decisions,and the love of Christ guide the path their choose.Unite us through your spirit in the condemnation of oppression,mobilise us to protect the dignity of all crafted in your image,and empower us care for all of your glorious creation,through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen