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For Church Based Activities

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English content

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In this section are resources for:Long-term/Permanent ProgrammesSingle EventsSeasonal EventsPrayerHealth and Safety

Welsh content

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Long-term/Permanent Programmes

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Caring for Gods Acre - Church Yard Project

Caring for God's Acre helps children to see the church as a place associated with fun & excitement whilst helping kids connect with nature, one another and explore some of the themes of faith.

How to guide

Godly Play

Godly Play is a way of telling joyful stories and developing spirituality in young children

Click to see resources

Messy Church

A fun way of doing church for families

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Kids Church

Kids Church should provide a fun and engaging way to connect with God

How to guide

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Single Events

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BBQ Event

A BBQ provides a space for relationships to be formed and developed in a context that differs to traditional church. It can be used to create a greater sense of belonging and as an outreach tool

How to guide

Light Party

Light parties are a way of bringing fun engagement with the church into a youth community

How to guide

Message Bus

A mobile youth centre which, through partnering with local churches, runs projects in communities and can be used to launch or work alongside youth groups

Visit the website

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Seasonal Events

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Experiencing Easter

Behind the Scenes at the Easter Experience

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Experiencing Christmas

Experience Christmas includes detailed instructions for six stations that can be created in different parts of the church, engaging children with the events leading up to Christmas through interaction and reflectio

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Prayer Resources for older children

Prayer apps, programmes and guides

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Health and Safety

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Preparation Resources

Safeguarding information and risk assessment resources

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