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Compiling a profile of a new Bishop

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Have you had your say yet?In the next few days each Ministry Area along with other groups across our diocese, will be submitting a summary of points of view, to guide the 12 Llandaff Electors as they put together a Profile for the appointment of our next Bishop. The Electors are posing 3 core questions and a more general 4th question to each Ministry Area:As the diocese of Llandaff enters the next phase of its life and mission:What priorities should the new Bishop have?What leadership style and qualities are needed by the new Bishop?What spiritual gifts do you hope would underpin the new Bishop’s ministry?Is there anything else you wish to add? (for example: church tradition, familiarity with Welsh language and culture, etc.)Responses from Ministry Areas to each question should be no more than 50 words, to encourage clear, concise comments, so please help your local consultation by keeping your views short and sweet.Deadline for responsesThe deadline for responses to be submitted to the Electors is Friday 11th November, so there is still time to make your views known. Speak to your Ministry Area Leader, Lay Chair or any of your local clergy urgently, and let them know what you think.This consultation is really important, because the Profile will enable the Llandaff diocesan family to speak out to our diocese, our province and to the whole Anglican Communion, asking “Who is God calling to be the next Bishop of Llandaff?”The Llandaff Electors have asked that the appointment of our next Bishop should be done carefully and prayerfully. Please keep this in mind as you make your views known and, please, keep this process of discernment in your prayers. We are expecting the Electoral College (representing the sic Church in Wales dioceses) to meet sometime in January.This is not the right time for names of prospective candidates to be put forward. There will be an opportunity for that once the Profile is published and our diocese has shaped the role we hope our next Bishop will fill. In the meantime, please pray like mad!Join us in prayerWe are encouraging 2 prayers to be used across our diocese, asking for God’s strength and wisdom to guide the whole process of the Electoral College, as we begin to discern whom God may be calling to be our chief Shepherd and pastor.Eternal Father, whose Son is our Shepherd and whose Holy Spirit is our Guide, in your mercy bring to the diocese of Llandaff as our Bishop a shepherd after your own heart who will walk in your ways, and with loving care watch over your people. Grant us a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth, so that your Church here may be built up and your name glorified. We pray also for your guidance on the members of the Electoral College, and all involved in the process of the new Bishop’s election. These things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Living God,You call us to share your lifeand to share Your love,as shown us through Jesus your Son.At this time of transition for our diocesewe pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit,for all who will bear the responsibilityof electing a new bishop.Through prayer,and a trusting heart in Your purposes for Your Churchmay they recognise the person that you call to be our next bishop,as we continue to tell a joyful story,to grow your kingdom,and to build our capacity for good.We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.The members of the Electoral College of the Church in Wales who will represent the Llandaff Diocese at the election of the next Bishop of Llandaff are:Lay members:Mr Michael LawleyDr. Heather PayneMr Luca Alexander SpareyMrs Julia PlautMrs Moira Randall MBEMrs Susan RiversClergy members:Revd Canon Mark PreeceArchdeacon The Ven. Michael KomorRevd Canon Jan GouldRevd Zöe KingRevd Canon Edwin CounsellRevd Peter Lewis

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