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Giving is more than a dent in your pocket

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English content

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As Christians we are called by God to give and live generously. This Giving Tuesday we explore different ways of giving to the Kingdom, from our time to our money, resources and skills. Giving enables God’s work to happen, both in your local community, and church and wider world too.One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:24-25

Welsh content

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Giving Financially

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Safetly Donate to Your Church or ParishWhen you give with Church in Wales Gift Direct your donations support clergy and training across Wales. Supporting ministry helps every visit happen, every confirmation course run, every assembly taken, every bereaved family comforted. It also supports each baptism offered, each sermon preached, each eucharist celebrated and each person shown the love of Christ through care, comfort and compassion.You can choose where the donation goes, how much to donate and how regularly you would like to give.With Gift Direct:You, the giver, are always in controlManaging donations is easier for you and your churchThere are no last-minute scrambles for spare change or a cheque bookChurches get a regular monthly amount which helps planningIf you are taxpayer, Gift Aid can be claimed – increasing the value of your donation.Fundraise by online shopping!As well as the donating to your church or parish there are lots of other ways you can support the Christian community with financial donations.You can generate funds for your charity of choice through online shopping through the Easyfundraising website or app. Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice (i.e., perhaps encourage your church to sign up as a cause so they can benefit). It won't cost you any extra! The cost is covered by the brand. Find out more here.

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Giving Your Time

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Churches and charities are always welcoming to people offering their time. It doesn’t have to be a regular commitment or hours and hours a week. Just a little time and effort can go a long way to supporting a cause. Speak to your church, local food or hygiene bank, charity shop or community action group about volunteering opportunities.

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Giving Resources

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Local FoodbanksDo you have tins of prunes at the back of your cupboard that you were supposed to use for that recipe one time? Donating to a local foodbank is a great way for us to give what we can spare directly to the community.'s Call for Hygiene BanksDo you get what feels like hundreds of shower gel gift boxes each Christmas you don’t know what to do with? The Archbishop of Wales has launched Christmas appeal as part of the Food and Fuel campaign to tackle hygiene poverty. Take unused hygiene products to your local church for them to add to their Gift For Christmas box which will then be donated to a local charity or hygiene bank. Alternatively, add an extra hygiene product to your next supermarket shop to donate.

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Giving Your Expertise

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Are you an expert in finance, communications, websites, administration? Maybe you have a trade skill. Churches are always open to people offering their skills, particularly in places they may have gaps or lack of manpower. Perhaps something needs fixing up in the church which you can help with. Offering you expertise is another wonderful way of giving to God’s kingdom.

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Giving your Support

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Share you support online. You may be a regular giver or keen to give your church a fundraising boost. Sharing church and charity appeals online is another way of spreading awareness and giving your support by encouraging others to think about what they can give, donate or share themselves.We believe our Living God hears and answers our prayer. Please pray for the generosity of resources, wisdom and kindness for our church and charity causes.

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Christians have a distinctive understanding of giving and sharing; it shapes and changes how we live and informs our decisions and actions; giving is at the heart of faith.For more giving inspiration and ideas head to Giving Tuesday UK