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Lockdown inspires new forms of communication for Parish

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One of the challenges of lockdown for church communities has been how to keep an open line of communication with the congregation and non-churchgoers. The Reverend Doctor Stephen Adams, of Cowbridge Parish, has found great success in transitioning from a printed parish magazine to a weekly email using Microsoft Sway. In the face of lockdown, Cowbridge adapted quickly to find new and creative solutions to keep the church community strong. The Revd Dr Stephen Adams explains:Once lockdown hit us, we needed a new way to keep in touch so started a weekly email (principally, to replace our weekly pew leaflet). Having seen what the Diocese has done with Llandaff Matters, we took the plunge and got stuck into producing a weekly Sway.Micrsoft Sway is quick, easy and free to use. All you’ll need is a (free) Microsoft account. If you’re interested in making the transition from paper to digital newsletters, you can begin by watching this tutorial on Microsoft Sway. Cowbridge’s magazine was set up in late August 2020 and has already been viewed over 1,000 times.The Parish of Cowbridge Pews News shares vital resources such as bible readings, the following week’s readings, prayer intentions, service patterns, and news and updates. Not only has this venture kept the community informed and prayerful, it’s also allowed the parish to cut down on the use of printing and paper. You can read more on how churches can tackle environmental sustainability by learning about Cytûn’s Climate Sunday.To increase accessibility for those without an email address, Cowbridge Parish produces a website version of the weekly news which includes a telephone contact number to access online Services instead of a Zoom passcode. There are also hardcopy versions for noticeboards and services in churches.Sway is used by Diocese of Llandaff for their Llandaff Matters weekly digital newsletter. Sign up to our mailing list here.

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