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DAC and Faculties

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The faculty System

Welsh content

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Before making any changes or repairs to your church building its important to check whether permission is required.The Online Faculty System has three options:List AThese applications will cover routine maintenance or minor like-for-like repairs and require no formal permission to proceed, although both the DAC Secretary and the Diocesan Registrar are notified.List BThese applications will cover straightforward works (e.g. replacing an existing boiler) that have little or no impact on the historic fabric of the church or churchyard. They are reviewed by a DAC member and require the permission of the Diocesan Registrar before they can proceed.Full FacultyThese applications go to a DAC meeting where the application will be discussed and commented upon. If your church is a listed building the relevant Local Authority and the Amenity Societies are also consulted. Following the DAC meeting, the application moves to the Registrar for the next stage who in turn will submit it to the Chancellor for a final decision, all via the Online Faculty System.To find out which option applies to you and to submit your application, log in to or register on the Online Faculty System (OFS) by clicking on the ENTER button below.For a step-by-step guide to making a full faculty application as well as lots of other helpful documents, click the link in the Useful Resources section below where you'll also find a checklist of what to include and a video explaining the Faculty Application Process.Finally, don't forget a Ministry Area Council (MAC) Resolution supporting the faculty application will be needed:Churches have the option of either submitting a full set of MAC Minutes or the relevant extract in support of a faculty application.In either case the Minutes must be signed, and must also refer to the fact that a resolution to apply for a faculty was put to the MAC and passed. It is not sufficient for the MAC just to have discussed the need for a faculty.Upload the MAC Resolution to the ‘Supporting Documents’ section of the application.If you are still unsure of anything or need help with the application then please contact Martyn Jones, our DAC Secretary.07494 222688

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Online Faculty System


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The Faculty Application Process

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Useful Resources

Resources block 6

Click for further information:

Step-By-Step Guide to Making a Full Faculty Application

A list of the contractors that many of our churches use for regular maintenance and repair as well as projects

What to include with your application

The Faculty Application Process (video)

List A and B Items

Church in Wales Property Guidance Notes

Church Heritage Cymru

Historic Wales (listing and archaeological info)

Section title block 7

The DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee)

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Each diocese has a Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC), which advises the Chancellor of the Diocese on faculty applications. The DAC includes members with expertise in particular areas relating to church buildings, such as architecture, organs, archaeology, etc. The DAC is always willing to give advice to parishes prior to their making applications for a faculty.MEMBERSMr Christopher Catling FSA (Chair)The Ven Rhod Green, Archdeacon of LlandaffThe Ven Mark Preece, Archdeacon of MargamThe Very Rev'd Richard Peers, Dean of Llandaff CathedralMs Tracey Connelly - Local Authority RepresentativeFr Ben Andrews - Clergy memberMr Kieran Elliott - ConservatorMr Stefan Horowskyj - National Amenity Societies RepresentativeRev'd Canon Dyfrig Lloyd - Welsh Ecclesiastical History Advisor and Clergy memberMrs Amanda Needham - ArchitectProfessor Denys Pringle FSA - ArchaeologyMr Mike Jones-Pritchard - ArchitectSPECIALIST ADVISORSDr Martin Crampin - Stained GlassMr Robert Court - OrgansMr David Moore - BellsMr Oliver Fairclough - ArtSECRETARYMr Martyn JonesLEGALMrs Harriet Morgan - Diocesan Registrar (Solicitor)H H Judge Andrew Keyser KC - Chancellor of the DioceseMEETINGSOnce your application has been submitted and checked to confirm that sufficient information has been provided, it will be sent to members 7 days prior to the meeting and then considered by the full DAC.Below are the DAC meeting dates for 2025 with the corresponding deadline for submission of applications to be considered at each meeting.

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Meeting datesJanuary 21stMarch 4thApril 8thMay 20thJuly 1stSeptember 23rdNovember 4thDecember 17th

Submission DeadlinesJanuary 11thFebruary 24thMarch 28thMay 10thJune 21stSeptember 13thOctober 24thDecember 7th