
Words on this page


Anglicans form the family of Christians closely related to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Whilst tracing their inheritance back to Christ and the earliest Christians and to the ancient Roman Catholic church, the sixteenth century Reformation was a crucial moment for Anglicanism.


Baptism involves declaring faith in God and being washed with water. It means being cleansed from sin, being united to Jesus Christ, receiving his Holy Spirit and becoming God’s children. Sometimes called ‘Christening’.


‘Bishop’ comes from the Greek word for ‘overseer’. So a bishop is a senior Christian minister authorised to have oversight for God’s people. As well as duties given to deacons and priests, bishops confirm and ordain.


‘Diocese’ refers to the geographical territory in which a bishop exercises oversight. The Church in Wales is divided into six dioceses each with its own cathedral in which is housed the cathedra (the bishop’s ‘chair’ or ‘throne’).


‘Eucharist’ comes from the Greek word for ‘thanksgiving’. At the Eucharist the Church remembers Jesus’ last supper where he gave bread and wine to be his body and blood, a sign of his saving love. See also Holy Communion.

Holy Communion

At Holy Communion blessed bread and wine is shared, by which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The congregation gives thanks for Jesus’ life, his death and resurrection and his continuing presence. See also Eucharist.

Llandaff Centre of Mission

A partnership between the Diocese of Llandaff and Church Army.


Prayer sustains our human relationship with God and may involve words (formal or informal) or be silent. Prayer can involve adoration (‘I love you’), confession (‘sorry’), thanksgiving and supplication (‘please’).


‘Theology’ means literally ‘words about God’. Christian theology involves our trying to understand and explain what God has revealed about himself through Scripture. This work is aided by the writings of past and present theologians and human reason.

Home Chrism Eucharist 2025

Chrism Eucharist 2025

Chrism Eucharist 11am Monday 14th April

Everyone is invited!

Congregations, lay chairs, readers and all those from our community families are most welcome to join us.

From an early date, it became customary to trace the sign of the cross in oil on the heads of candidates for baptism, and to anoint them again after baptism with the perfumed oil of chrism - a sign of incorporation into the prophetic, priestly and royal life of Jesus Christ.

These biblical roots of the ancient custom of using oils in the life of the Church, and of the three particular oils - of catechumens, of the sick, and of chrism - that are prepared in the Chrism Eucharist. Everyone is welcome to celebrate this joyous occasion with the clergy of the diocese as they receive these oils and renew their commitment to ministry.

Clergy are invited to robe and process. Clergy should bring an alb. Concelebrating priests will be provided with a white concelebration chasuble and stole. Deacons should wear a white deacon's stole. Readers in a blue scarf. There will be space for clergy and readers to robe in Upper Prebendal House.

The Service will start at 11am, please arrive in plenty of time.
Everyone is welcome to stay for lunch after the Chrism Eucharist when we will be delighted to be welcoming Canon Dr Jane Williams who will be talking to us about prayer.

Jane has taught in both university and Theological College settings as well as inspiring, teaching and encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds in local churches and communities.


She has travelled extensively within the Anglican Communion, and is an acclaimed speaker, preacher and author. We are so grateful that Jane is coming to help us reflect upon our own experiences of trying to be faithful in prayer. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn together with others in the Diocesan family. Please do consider coming to the Cathedral and being part of this event.

The Bishop will be pleased to provide a light lunch for all those who sign up below. (If you are bringing your own lunch, you do not need to sign up.) In keeping with the Church’s mission to become more sustainable, please bring your own reusable waterbottle.

The lunch offered will be either vegetarian, vegan, or gluten free.

For catering purposes, please sign up by Friday the 4th April so that numbers can be confirmed.

Please contact the Bishop's Chaplain, Rev'd Emma Ackland, with any queries.