Grants and Funding

Cal, our Grants and Fundraising Officer, has put together this booklet to help you through the Grants and Funding Process.
We have four main types of Grants.
Church Growth (Tier 1)
The first, tier 1, is for grant applications for no more than £10,000, mainly from ministry/mission areas, for work which is both innovative locally and replicable nationally.

Firstly, YOU MUST get in touch with your Archdeacon (Margam-, , the Director of Mission ( AND Church Growth Fund team ( to let them know what you are proposing.
After the conversations above have taken place, you can request an application form from the Director of Mission (
Submit your Tier 1 grant application to the Bishop no later than 28 working days before submission to the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group. The Director of Mission will be able to provide you with dates for the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group Meetings.
Submit your Tier 1 grant application form to the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group by email ( by the deadline provided to you by the Director of Mission.
You will be informed of the Church Growth Fund Allocation Group’s decision no later than five working days after the Group has met.
The DBF Grants Committee meet quarterly. The DBF has an annual budget allocation to support mission across the Diocese.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate how the grant funding will contribute towards their pathways; engage, invite, welcome, nurture.
Closing dates for applications for DBF Grant funding and Buildings are as follows:
Late applications will not be considered, but deferred until the next meeting of the Grants Committee.
Application forms are available from the Director of Mission (
Building Work Grants

We have a small number of funds that might be able to support you with building work.
We also have grants for Ministry Areas to introduce digital giving to their stewardship campaigns.
Or we might be able to help you find external grants and advise with the application process.
For a Church Building Grant application form, to chat about an idea or for advice, please email DAC Secretary Martyn Jones
Community Development and Mission Funds

We have a small number of funds that might be able to support you, with community development and mission.
Or we might be able to help you find external grants and advise with the application process.
If you have a plan, an idea or just need to talk through options, please get in touch with Director of Mission, Paul Booth via

£4000 Grant available to each Ministry Area as a one-off payment for support with administration. Please send an outline of how this grant will be used or has been used, and attach invoices or receipts. He will then seek DBF approval and payment. The grant monies can be used towards payment of administrator support, stationery, general office supplies, printing costs and also equipment although please note that the AV Equipment grant can also be used for computers.
Audit Fee Grant
£1000 contribution to each Ministry Area as a one off towards 2021 or 2022 fees for independent examination of annual accounts. It is highly unlikely that any MA will require a full audit. Please provide evidence of audit or independent examination fees to and we will then seek DBF Approval and arrange payment of the Grant to your Ministry Area.
Online Church and Contactless Giving
Church Suite: free for the first year
Ministry Areas can claim a grant for their first year subscription to Church Suite. The diocese will pay for the Starter Package.
Take advantage of the free 30 day trial and then subscribe to annual payment. Send the invoice or receipt to
The grant is for the first year only. Ministry Areas would need to pay their annual fees after the first year.
Contactless giving: £90.09 per church.
Ministry Areas should decide what device they require using the survey flowchart on Parish Buying or email the for advice.
Purchase what you need and email We can advance the funds on the basis of a quote/screenshot of your order.
If equipment is to be fixed in a church you will need a faculty (but this is not required if it is mobile). Faculty must be obtained before funds are released.
A/V Equipment: up to £1500 per MA.
This is a grant per Ministry Area and we encourage each Ministry Area to provide at least one online. You cannot receive a grant if you have already received one for this purpose.
If the equipment is to be fixed in a church you will need a faculty (but this is not required if it is mobile).
Purchase what you need and email We can advance the funds on the basis of a quote of what you want to order.
External Funding
Welsh Government funding
Volunteering Wales Grant Schemes
Funding for project that promote and encourage volunteering are available to all third sector groups, including faith groups. Volunteering Wales grants scheme - WCVA
Community Facilities Programme
The Community Facilities Programme provides capital grants at two levels, up to £25,000 for small projects and up to £250,000 for larger schemes. The grant must be used for the improvement of well-used community buildings. This can include facilities operated by faith groups as long as they are open to the wider community.
Other funding streams
National Lottery Community & Community Foundation Wales
There are a large number of other grant programmes offered by organisations outside of the Welsh Government which will provide funding for projects led by faith groups. This includes Welsh Churches Act funds operated by local authorities (refer to your local authority website) and programmes run by the National Lottery Community Fund, the Community Foundation Wales and a variety of trusts and foundations.
Information on these sources of funding and many more can be found on the Funding Wales website.
Had a difficult year?
If a parish has made multiple claims on their insurance policy in the last 12-months, the diocese is able to offer a grant to cover the £500 policy excess on proof of the second claim being paid by EIG.
Contact the Diocesan Accountant to make a claim.