A prayer for those who find Christmas difficult

Lord Jesus, at this time of Christmas we remember that you were laid in a humble manger, because there was no room for you in the inn.
And so we pray for all those for whom Christmas will be difficult. We remember the poor and the hungry, the sick and those separated by death or distance from the ones they love.
We remember parents who have lost sons or daughters; couples who are no longer together; children who are unhappy, confused or in trouble; and those who are alone.
We hold in our prayers the homeless shelters and hostels around the country and offer our thanksgiving for all who work so hard to feed, clothe and offer hospitality to many during this season.
We give thanks for the work of all who work with migrants and refugees and ask for God’s mercy upon those who have no place to call home.
We remember those whose love of neighbour has been destroyed through the bitterness of enmity and pray that fear and hostility may be overcome.
Lord Jesus Christ, your birth at Bethlehem calls us to kneel in wonder at heaven touching earth: accept our prayers for all of your beloved children who are struggling, as we seek to hold onto the profound hope offered by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.