Behind the scenes at The Easter Experience
By Philip Burman, Young Faith Matters Engagement Worker

It’s such an incredible privilege to be a part of the Young Faith Matters team as we work together in bringing about our diocesan vision with the young people in our communities.
The excitement has certainly been building among the local school children and congregations for our ‘Easter Experience’ event in Afon Nedd Ministry Area. Having been unable to host anything like this for a little while due to the pandemic, it was such a blessing and pure joy to welcome the children and staff from Alderman Davies Primary School to journey through the events of such sacred stories at the heart of our Christian faith.
If you have not come across the ‘Easter Experience’ before, it is an interactive walk between a set of stations where children are taken through the events of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday leading up to Easter Day. Our aim has been to present the Easter story in an engaging way for children to have some understanding of the sequence of events as it is presented in the Bible. We have found this to be a wonderful opportunity for children to hear about and reflect spiritually on different parts of the Easter story in an accessible way.
There are six stations to walk around, and the children are divided into smaller groups. At each station they are told what happened in a very straightforward way. They might then be asked to partake in a small activity.
The stations are as follows:
Station 1: Future Hopes
The children are told of the events of Palm Sunday. They are asked to consider their own hopes for the future, and to draw/write something they think would make the world a better place on a palm leaf.
Station 2: The Servant King
Here the children will be told of how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples on Maundy Thursday. If they want to children can then take it in turns to clean their partners’ shoe.
Station 3: The Last Supper
Children are told of the meal Jesus shared with His disciples on the night before he died. They are asked if they can remember a special meal they may have experienced, and whether they can remember any stories about Jesus.
Station 4: The Garden of Gethsemane
Children are told how Jesus sat in the garden and felt alone on the night before He died. They are given a pebble and asked to decorate it with a symbol of hope.
Station 5: The Cross
Here children are asked to sit and think about what they see. They are invited to look at the models/pictures of crosses and consider which ones they like best and why?
Station 6: the Resurrection
Children are told about the miracle of the Resurrection and what the women at the tomb might have experienced when they saw the risen Jesus. They are invited to consider how eggs have become the symbol of Easter and how an empty egg can serve as a reminder of the empty tomb.
The children from Alderman Davies listened incredibly well to all that was being shared and took part in all the different activities and experiences - they were an absolute credit to their school. Well over 170 children attended over the three days and some of their comments were a delight to hear…
- “This is the best church visit I’ve ever been to” (Poppy – Year 3&4)
- “It’s lovely to be back in church” (Mia - Year 3&4)
- “That’s the best thing I’ve ever done” (Harrison – Year 5&6)
- “My heart really needed that, thank you” (Teaching Staff)
As our churches prepare to move closer and closer to Easter, my hope and prayer is that our young people and their families “may encounter and know the love of God” while we continue to seek new and creative ways for them to engage with the joyful story of Jesus.
As with any large event like this, it would not be possible without the precious offering of so many individual’s time. A huge thank you to all who volunteered in any way to make this Easter Experience one the children will remember for a long time and tell their families all about. The time everybody gave to this project has ensured that the wonderful, precious story of our faith was shared with so many.
On tour
We’re also on tour. Preparations are now underway to take the Easter Experience to St. Theodore’s, Port Talbot next week (5th – 7th April) and also St. Mary’s in Nolton (Saturday 16th April). All are welcome and it would be great to see you.