Celebrating Rural Mission Sunday
Rural Mission Sunday takes place 18th July. This year the theme is Pilgrimage. We’re inviting you to walk with God and with your church community, exploring how the ancient practice of pilgrimage might offer a new depth of life and faith.
Here's how you can get involved.

1, Sign up for Rural Mission Sunday
- Register for Rural Mission Sunday and receive a dedicated Rural Mission Sunday email update with ideas and new material that you can use throughout the year.
- Follow Rural Mission Sunday on Facebook facebook.com/RuralMissionSunday and Twitter twitter.com/RuralMissSunday.
2, Take a pilgrimage
Visit your favourite rural church or discover a new walking route. We recommend:
- Penrhys Pilgrimage Way - a wonderful 21 mile route that recreates the historic pilgrimage route between Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff and Penrhys in the Rhondda.
- St Baruc route: 22 minute walk that tells the story of St Baruc, the man who gave his name to Barry. Over 1500 years ago, St Baruc came to Barry Island. Find out why he was here and how a book cost him his life.
- Laleston Stone Trail: discover the historic routes pilgrims would have taken to Llangynwyd, famous as the burial place of Ann Thomas, the “Maid of Cefn Ydfa.” In the Middle Ages it was famous as the shrine of the Holy Rood of Llangynwyd, a carving of the Crucifixion that was so vivid it was believed to perform miracles.
3, Pray for Rural Mission Sunday
Creator God,
the whole world is yours.
Creation sings your praises.
As the sun rises on a new day,
help us to see the way ahead.
May we know your presence leading and guiding us.
Give us the strength to keep following you,
and as the day ends may we know your rest and peace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Arthur Rank Centre is ecumenical national charity, which resources, trains, and advocates for rural Christians, rural churches and the communities they serve. Each year they organise Rural Mission Sunday and produce resources that can be used all year long.