Christian Aid Week goes digital
Christian Aid Week (10-16 May) is going digital this year to raise money it usually gets through house-to-house collections and church services. It is appealing for people to donate electronically, via ‘e-envelopes’ and to raise awareness through live-streamed services and other online events.
Many churches have already made bold steps, streaming services online and harnessing technology and social media to reach out to communities.
In the same way, Christian Aid has also been thinking creatively how best to ensure it can continue standing together with the most vulnerable and marginalised people during this time of global crisis. This is particularly important as Christian Aid Week 2020 approaches.
This year, many Christian Aid supporters will have already dedicated a significant amount of their time and energy planning these initiatives. Not surprisingly, the Covid-19 situation has meant that much of this usual fundraising cannot go ahead for Christian Aid Week 2020 but will shift to the autumn.
Supporting our global family digitally

Christian Aid has developed a suite of creative new ideas, guides and resources, to inspire people to fundraise and connect with their community, creatively and virtually, while respecting social distancing measures.
The resources include guides to help people run their own virtual event or fundraiser, organise a virtual quiz evening, and even hold a virtual church service using a range of specially prepared worship resources.
Individuals will be able to sign up for unique events during Christian Aid Week itself from 10-16 May, such as a daily quiz and live stream worship events. Christian Aid will also be offering an ‘e-envelope’, offering a digital way for people to share the Christian Aid Week story with family and friends, and ask for a donation.
In this way Christian Aid hopes that its dedicated supporters will be able to continue their support, prayer, engagement and fundraising.
"Love unites us."

Cynan Llwyd, temporary Head of Christian Aid Wales said: “In recent weeks, we have been overwhelmed by the messages of solidarity we’ve received for our sisters and brothers overseas, and also by messages of support from our fundraising community, looking for guidance on how they can support us this Christian Aid Week.
“I very much hope that you feel empowered and supported to join us in celebration of Christian Aid Week this year, and that some of the virtual ideas on offer can strengthen individuals and communities as we pray for all those affected by this new virus.
“Love never fails. Coronavirus impacts all of us. But love unites us all. Its during crises like Covid-19 that the vulnerabilities of those living in extreme poverty are even more evident. This Christian Aid Week we can fight against Coronavirus alongside our sisters and brothers living in poverty.”
Archbishop of Wales urges people to support Christian Aid Week
The Archbishop of Wales is urging people to support Christian Aid Week this month to ensure help reaches those in poorer countries who are struggling to survive.
The Archbishop, John Davies, acknowledges that, faced with our own challenges at home due to Covid-19, it is easy to overlook those in even greater need. But he warns that without our help millions will suffer badly.
He says: “At a time that continues, with every justification, to be called unprecedented, it is easy to overlook or even forget the pressing and long-term needs of countless millions in the world who rely on the generosity and love of others to sustain a very basic level of existence. For many it is a question of existence, survival – no more, no less. This means that the work of Christian Aid must continue to be remembered and supported, even at the most challenging of times, because without it, our needy brothers and sisters go hungry, go thirsty, lack justice. They lose out and lose out badly."
How to get involved
Christian Aid Week launches on Sunday, May 10, with a live-streamed service at 1pm with Dr Rowan Williams, Chair of Christian Aid.
Visit Christian Aid website for details on how to support Christian Aid Week, including how to hold a virtual service.