Church Schools Focus on 'Leadership' for Black History Month 2023

The Diocese of Llandaff is once again providing all Church in Wales schools with resources to celebrate and continue curriculum development for Black History Month. The theme for Black History Month in October 2023 is 'Leadership'.
Each primary school in the diocese will receive a copy of the Nelson Mandella and Michelle Obama books from the Little People Big Dreams collection. Resources are also available on Betty Campbell, Wales’ first black headteacher.
You might like to learn about some talented black leaders, think about some of the challenges they have had to face and the ways in which they have influenced change.
Head of Education for the Llandaff and Monmouth dioceses, Beccie Morteo said leadership is just one of the many aspects we are looking at regarding Black History and education.
She said, "As ethical informed citizens we want our children to have opportunities to celebrate diversity whilst also understanding the contributions black individuals have made to the history of Wales and the world.”