Churches Tackle Christmas Day Loneliness with Free Festive Meals

Churches across South Wales are providing hot Christmas day dinners for people in need of a meal, company and a warm space.
In Aberdare, Port Talbot and Nelson, families and older people who would otherwise spend Christmas Day alone are coming together to celebrate the big day with new friends.
Company at Christmas – St Fagan’s Church, Aberdare
‘Company at Christmas’ started in 2015 as a request for a couple of Christmas dinners for people in the area who were not able to provide for themselves.
Angela Clarke, part of the running of Company at Christmas from the beginning, said, “Little did we know how much the need was. And Father Richard did some research and found that there was other places in the country who did Christmas Day things.
We put this little message up to the community saying we're thinking of doing something for Christmas. ‘Does anybody want to help?’”

We put this little message up to the community saying we're thinking of doing something for Christmas. ‘Does anybody want to help?’”
The project is solely run-on donations and the effort of volunteers. Angela said “I couldn’t believe how many people came forward to our first meeting. We didn't realise that there were lots of people like me who were looking for something else to do so we also found we were assisting volunteers.”
Huw ‘Elvis’ Evans has MS and shared how Company at Christmas helps him: “I go to Company at Christmas every year because I am not left on my own in my house. I was asked by a friend would I like to go to Company at Christmas because I haven’t got any family that live close to me. When I do go I have a warm welcome and meet friends I’ve met before.”
Vicar of St Fagan’s, Fr Richard Green said, “What we are hoping to do is to try and reduce loneliness, reduce isolation and try to build a sense of community at this special time of the year. It’s a way of us putting our faith into action by helping people who are in need and people who are on their own by bringing to them the love of God and showing them that they’re not along, showing them that there is a community around them who cares for them.”
Company at Christmas has a policy of saying yes first and working out logistics later. Whether that is getting travel for people to get to the hall, diabetic, vegetarian, or soft food or delivering packages for people who cannot leave their homes, you are ‘being treated as part of the extended family’.
All are welcome to join St Fagan’s if they need a meal. Angela said that one year, “We had 101-year-old on the same table as a single mum with a one-year-old. We've had even had other denominations who have come and volunteered. I've been in the kitchen washing up with somebody of the Muslim faith. We consider out volunteers as guests too. They have a need as well, just as I did. It's very humbling, the way that we serve each other, and very biblical in doing what Jesus told us to do.”
Two years ago, the project moved from the church hall to St John’s School, Aberdare, to accommodate the growing numbers and social distancing when needed. This year the sixth form of St John’s School are decorating the space Company at Christmas will use as part of an art project. Christmas Day will be both the free meal and a Warm Space, due to the cost-of-living and heating crisis. They are expecting 60 people but can cater up to 100.

Angela (right with Santa) said, “Every year it comes off just from donations and kindness and donations and we trust to God provide. We get donations from the most unexpected sources, individuals and companies. It is wonderful. And we will send extra food home with people who need it.”
The day is not just about the food. There is also singing, a quiz and a Santa hands out gifts that have also been donated and wrapped.
In 2020, Company at Christmas advertised that they were ‘bigger and better’ and moved from the church hall into St John’s School, Aberdare, to have more room and facilities. Angela said, “We weren't so worried about being tightly packed and the bigger area in the school was also easier for people to be dropped off. etc. And then they put us into a snap lockdown. But we weren't going to stop. We still had these people who needed some interaction with us and we still had volunteers who still wanted to help. So, we had a tight knit community of people who were willing to test so we could safely put together boxes that we delivered to the door with a warm dinner, a cracker and a Christmas card.”
It is free of charge to attend but there is a £5 deposit that is returned on the day.
If you would like to attend, volunteer or donate to Company at Christmas please go to the Company at Christmas Facebook page for more information or call 07849741334:
Port Talbot Community Christmas Day Lunch

Port Talbot Ministry Area is providing hot dinners on Christmas Day hosted in St Theodore’s Church. Ministry Area Leader Reverend Ben Andrews said this is ‘practical Christianity’.
“It's not nice for anyone to be on their own on Christmas Day. This is practical Christianity. We're offering a safe space for people to come up on their own to come and enjoy Christmas lunch with other people.”
Guests receive a two course Christmas lunch and turkey rolls to take home. Transport to and from the venue is available if needed. There is also singing and presents on the day too to make it festive and special.
Fr Ben said he has been ‘blown away’ by his volunteer team of 25, some of whom volunteered for the previous three years as well.
He said, “We have been extremely blessed with donations this year and we've got a fantastic team of volunteers.”
There is a need every year for a meal service on Christmas Day but there is a particular emphasis this year with the cost-of-living crisis. Fr Ben said, “Lots of people struggle to heat their homes to cook Christmas lunches more expensive. Whatever we can do to help people have this challenging time.”
To access the support, people book on with a £5 deposit which is refunded on the day. People are able to book by contacting the church via 01639 883935
Community Christmas Dinner - St John’s Church, Nelson
St John’s Church is providing a free three course meal on Christmas day organised by the St Paul’s Centre and local churches for local people, cooked by the vicar, Fr Gareth Coombes and his wife Emma and son Tom. Transport is provided for those who need it.
The hope is that this service will benefit those on their own or who would just like to have a good time. There is free WiFi at the church but the hope is that Christmas spirit will take over sparking singing and fun.
People are able to book by contacting the church via or 01443 410280