Diocese Funds New Church Expression

A new expression of church is thriving in Margam Ministry Area thanks to funding from the Diocesan Mission Fund.
‘Margam Calling’ is a form of service that is designed specifically to be accessible for practicing Christians, those on the fringe of church and people exploring faith for the first time.
Margam Ministry Area launched the new outreach initiative ‘Margam Calling’ on Sunday 30th October 2022, with lights, staging, coffee shop, merchandise, a worship band and lots more. The Margam Calling (MC) team based in St Theodore’s Church, Kenfig Hill, aim to create a relaxed modern atmosphere to be inviting and exciting for newcomers.
The plan included a lot of lighting, streaming equipment, barista coffee machine, staging etc. which needed large budget. With the help of an application to the Diocesan Mission Fund and other grants including money from the ministry area, Margam Calling has now launched with all the equipment that was needed.
James Thomas, the MC Lead said, “I hope that Margam Calling will provide inspiration to other MA’s to try new things and revitalise our churches back into being the centre of communities that they were and, that Margam Calling had made a good start and we look forward to launching MC Juniors in 2023 at another of our Ministry Area Churches with a focus on children and young families.”
To continue to grow the congregation in 2023, the Margam Calling team plan on going into the community themselves and inviting people to try the new service and encouraging others to bring their friends.
Mark Broadway, the MC clergy team leader said, “What we're hoping for, is relational growth. So, getting to know people and from getting to know people offering that invitation. I personally think that all growth must be relational because there is a vulnerability in coming to a new place, a place where you don't know anyone or a place where you don't know what is expected of you.”

Diocesan Director of Mission, Paul Booth, said, “Attempting to remove the barriers which have pushed too many people away from the church is admirable. A major insight of missional thinking of the last generation has been to encourage belonging as a pre-requisite before belief.
"We have seen this model flourish in churches such as Holy Trinity Brompton and indeed Citizen Church as one of their church plants. Indeed, we have seen churches of other traditions adopting this approach with great success. Margam Calling is embracing the challenge to reach out to the young people of their communities and we pray with them that through this many may come to a lasting faith in Jesus Christ.”
Monday 7th November also saw the launch of Margam Calling Gin Church, an online church without borders, details of this can be found at www.margamcalling.org.uk/ginchurch
You can keep up to date with Margam Calling via:
Website - www.margamcalling.org.uk
Facebook / Instagram - margamcalling
Email address - margamcalling@gmail.com