Elections – You Can Make a Difference!

In 2024, the Diocese of Llandaff is holding elections for the Governing Body. Please find below all the information you should need about the process and nominating.
GB elections
In 2024, the Diocese of Llandaff is holding elections for the Governing Body. Please find below all the information you should need about the process and nominating.
Every year the Diocesean Conference elects people to various Church in Wales bodies. This year there are elections for the Governing Body (GB) of the CinW (the ‘parliament’ of the Church).
We are electing two clerical members and four lay members to GB this year.
It is the GB that sets the vision for the province and agrees the Constitution that governs its activities.
More information about the GB can be found here.
In general terms, most licenced CinW clergy can stand for election, as can most lay members of the church who are between 18-75 years old. For full details please see the relevant nomination forms below.
Anyone can nominate and second for these posts, though it will be the lay and clerical members of the Diocesan Conference who will vote in the elections.
Our elections this year will be held in the first four weeks of September. You will need to send any nomination papers by 9am on 1st September.
Diocesan Conference Members – Lay and Clergy
The process will be run online through ElectionRunner, as in previous years. If you have not received an email with voting options by 3rd September, please check your spam/junk folder for an email from ElectionRunner. If an appropriate email hasn’t come through let us know at diocese.llandaff@churchinwales.org.uk asap, so that we can add you to the ballot.