Giving Thanks for Farmers this Harvest

On Thursday 5th October 2023 the Harvest Service for The National Farmers Union Glamorgan with Glamorgan Young Farmers Club took place in St Cadoc’s Church, Pendoylan. The service was led by The Reverend Peter Watson, Team Vicar and the address was given by The Reverend Victoria Ashley Rural Life Officer for the Diocese of Llandaff.
The bible readings were read by the Chair of the NFU Glamorgan, Tom Rees, and the Glamorgan Young Farmers Club Chair, Lee Pritchard.
The church, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion, was full with some standing at the back and following the service everyone adjourned to Pendoylan Church in Wales Primary School next door for a splendid buffet supper.

At the beginning of the service, each branch of the Young Farmers Club brought hampers of goods to be donated to the local food bank, these were blessed by Rev’d Peter.

Later in the service symbols of the land and its produce were brought forward as a reminder of all that our agricultural workers and farmers do to bring food to our tables; the wonder of creation, and the generosity of God our creator.

The land has yielded its harvest; our God has blessed us.
The final item was an empty bowl offered with these words
We bring the offering of an empty bowl as a symbol of harvests that fail and of those around the world who suffer from hunger and starvation. Keep us mindful of their needs and may your goodness towards us bear fruits of compassion and generosity
The collection taken was shared between the church and the DPJ Foundation a Welsh charity founded to support farmers and those living in rural isolation who are struggling with mental health issues.
Thanksgiving Prayer for Farmers:
God of the heavens and the earth,
You call us to share in the care of your creation
and to bring food and fruitfulness from field and farm.
Hear our prayer for all who make their living on the land
and make us grateful for the work of their hands
and for the generosity of your provision.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ.