Journeys of Faith: Debbie Orriss

Throughout Lent we'll be hearing stories of faith from across the Diocese. First up is Sr Debbie Orriss, CA, one of our Growth Enablers.

My journey began when my Mum and Dad were invited by a neighbour, to a Family Service at the local church. We all went, and I enjoyed hearing the Bible stories, and learning about Jesus from our Sunday School teacher, who really was called Mrs Love!

I was confirmed when I was 13 - my first ‘supernatural’ experience of God, the Holy Spirit. I still remember the warmth that flooded my body when the Bishop laid his hand on my head.
We had a thriving youth group at church, and the social side of faith became increasingly important to me. As a family we appreciated the community aspect of faith all the more when in 1981, my Dad died without warning. None of us had the chance to say goodbye, and I was in a state of shock as were my Mum and younger brother. I was halfway through my first A level year, and to be honest that time was a blur of anger, deep sadness, and ‘getting on with it’.
I flipped between hating God, and deciding he wasn’t there, but as I lay awake one night waiting for my A level results, I thought back over the previous 18 months and realised that as a family we had experienced God’s love through the kindness of members of the church, as well as neighbours and family. And that without God there would be no point to Dad’s life or death, or my life.
I went off to university and into the rest of my life from that moment, having said a hesitant ‘yes’ to God, knowing that there would be questions, and highs and lows, but with Jesus as my anchor-point. My journey has led me into primary school teaching, and then full-time ministry as a Church Army Evangelist, serving in a variety of roles. My faith is still growing, through being open to different ways of encountering God and thinking about God: through prayer, the Bible, worship, learning with others, and serving. I cannot imagine my life without God in it!