Margam Calling: The Story So Far
Margam Calling is a new outreach service which will be held fortnightly at St Theodores, Kenfig Hill, worshipping in a distinctive, contemporary way which is especially aimed at those who are brand new church. The Rev’d Mark Broadway describes the journey so far.

We are Margam Calling
“A disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” Matthew 13:51-52
During the Summer I was fortunate enough to take a 12-day break in Cape Town, South Africa. Staying in a cottage in Wynberg, I would wander into town, and rummage through the various antique shops and second-hand bookstores that littered the high street. I love looking through those sorts of places, finding tiny treasures, and wondering about the history of each one. In this way, I am the polar opposite of my two children, who both love the latest tech or gadget.

In our Parable, the person who follows Jesus is expected to bring out treasures both new and old. We can look at our own experiences of faith and find old treasures that we love – but we must always be ready to complement them with fresh perspectives, and ways of doing things. If you know me well, you will know that I am something of a stickler for tradition - at least certain traditions.
You may know that I am a member of the Prayer Book Society, which prizes the teaching of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. There is much that is rich old treasure in the Prayer Book Tradition, but I have had to learn to bring out and embrace new treasures, too - Because God is the God who says: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?" Isaiah 43.19 KJV.

Margam Calling seeks to offer something very new, as an expression of our shared old faith.
Margam Calling is a new congregation which has grown out of seven churches - the Margam Ministry Area. Encompassing Porthcawl (where I have pastoral oversight), Kenfig Hill (where our services will take place), as well as Pyle & Kenfig, Margam, and all the places in between.
Our Lay Lead, James Thomas, was the first to articulate a clear vision for a Seeker Sensitive contemporary service as part of our Ministry Area transition, reflecting conversations that were taking place across our churches. At the start we were not sure what this might look like. We sought advice from other Churches and the Diocesan Officers, and most importantly we prayed for guidance, and so the direction of travel became more certain.
In the Spring of 2022, I began to gather Christians who were praying for a new way to worship, and fresh opportunities to reach their community. As I looked ahead to plan the content our first services, James set to work creating an outline for a welcoming environment tailored for those who are not used to formal Church services.
I pray that together we will bring out of our storerooms new treasures as well as old.
By the Summer, we had made good progress - logistically and in our practice of prayer. Now it was time for our Worship Lead (Jessie Wilde) to begin to gather people together for informal worship. We started with a series of weekday evenings in the vicarage - which proved too small a venue - before launching music nights in church.
Now that Autumn has come, we are working hard to design rotas, buy equipment, grow a band, and in the midst of it all, continue with our chief aim: giving glory to the Father, through the Son, empowered by his Spirit. It is on that trinitarian faith that everything stands or falls.

From October 30th 2022 at 5.30pm we are hosting fortnightly services at St Theodore’s Church, Kenfig Hill.
These will be simple services, and a great opportunity to bring non-Christian friends and family.
- Welcome: The doors open at 5.30pm with a warm welcome, and the opportunity to meet and make friends over coffee.
- Worship: At about 6pm the service begins with an extended time of contemporary music
- Word: We then hear from the Bible, followed by a relevant explanation of what we’ve heard.
- Wonders: As the service draws to a close, everyone will have the opportunity to respond to the word, by receiving prayer.
Our hope is that people will stay afterwards, from about 7pm, to eat together and talk about the service.
I didn't buy anything from any of the Cape Town antique shops. Despite several well-preserved ornaments taking my fancy, I had to concede that my house has enough stuff in it already. But the Church is different. We must be willing to find - or make - the space in our Church for the best in a variety of traditions, both well established and cutting edge; so long as both tell the world about Jesus, his death and resurrection.