New Mothers Union Chaplains Announced
Congratulations to Rev Sandra Birdsall who has been appointed as the new Provincial Chaplain for the Mothers' Union by the Archbishop of Wales.
She will serve in this post alongside her role as Ministry Area Leader in The Garth Ministry Area.

Rev'd Sandra brings a wealth of experience and dedication to this role. For the past six years, she has served as the Diocesan MU Chaplain for Llandaff Diocese, offering pastoral guidance to members and playing a key role in initiatives such as the Behind Closed Doors Campaign. She has also addressed the Mothers’ Union Annual Gathering in York, sharing insights on fostering successful collaboration with clergy.
Her leadership in spiritual development is well recognised, having led numerous Retreats and Quiet Days. A significant highlight of her ministry was planning and leading the 130th Anniversary celebration service at Llandaff Cathedral, a memorable milestone for the Mothers’ Union community.
During the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020–2021, Rev'd Sandra provided twice-weekly devotions to support members' faith and spirituality during challenging times—an effort that was deeply valued by the community.
Her passion and commitment will undoubtedly strengthen and inspire the Mothers’ Union as it moves forward into this new triennium.
Rev'd Emma Rees-Kenny, Caerphilly Aber Valley Ministry Area Leader, has accepted Bishop Mary's invitation to step into the role of Diocesan Mothers' Union Chaplain.

She says, "Growing up in Treharris in the 1980s and 90s, the Mothers Union helped me shape my faith and provided one of my very first Christian influences. My mother and grandmother were members, as were most of the other women of St Matthias. They were the powerhouse of prayer that got things done!
I became a member of Mothers Union in 2011 when I joined the Barry All Saints branch, before moving on in ministry to Canton, Fairwater and now Caerphilly.
At each branch I have seen the dedicated love of women and men who through prayer, action and activism live out their faith and share the Good News.
I was humbled to receive Bishop Mary’s invite to become the Diocesan Chaplain (the first thing I did was ring my mum!) and look forward to working with our wonderful new president Jean and our amazing board of trustees who have already offered me such warmth and welcome and look with excitement into our shared future."
Licensing details will follow shortly. In the meantime, please hold Rev'd Sandra and Rev'd Emma in your prayers as they begin their new ministries.