Penarth MA Warden Represents Llandaff at Royal Maundy Ceremony

Janet Akers, Ministry Area warden for the Penarth Ministry Area and sub-warden for All Saints Church, Penarth, was honoured to be chosen to represent the Diocese at the prestigious Royal Maundy Service, which took place in Worcester Cathedral last week.
Janet was chosen to be among individuals recognised for their ‘exemplary Christian service to church and community over many years.’ She was presented with Maundy Money by HM the Queen as part of a group which consisted of 75 men and 75 women from across the country. The number 75 is significant as it is equivalent to the King’s age.

At the ceremony, the Queen handed each recipient two small leather string purses, a red one containing money in lieu of food and clothing; and a white purse containing specially-minted silver coins to the value of 75p – another reference to the King’s age.
The King was unable to attend due to his current health issues, but in a pre-recorded video message he told the congregation, “The 150 men and women who have been chosen today to receive the Maundy money from my wife are wonderful examples of such kindness; of going way beyond the call of duty and of giving so much of their lives to the service of others in their communities.”
The tradition of presenting alms on Maundy Thursday goes back to at least the 4th Century, with records of monarchs presenting alms going back as far as 1213. Recently it has become tradition that the ceremony travels around different cathedrals. Maundy Money recipients are pensioners, chosen on an interdenominational basis from various Christian churches for their service to their churches and communities.
Janet said, “It was a lovely occasion with incredible pomp, ceremony, colour and music. The Queen was gracious and spoke to every recipient.
"I am thrilled to have been selected for this honour and will treasure the memory of the whole event.”