The Diocese of Llandaff Has Nine New Priests
Nine new priests were ordained by Bishop Mary at a beautiful service in Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday 29th June 2024.

Alison Dummer will serve in Llandaff Cathedral, Jeremy Heuslein will serve in Pontypridd Ministry Area, Natalie Jones will serve in Caerphilly and Aber Valley Ministry Area, James Lawson will serve in Rhondda Ministry Area, Ali Oakley and Pete Oakley will serve in Urban Crofters, Ross Pilner will serve in North Cardiff Ministry Area, Heather Temple Williams will serve in St. John the Baptist Church in Calon y Ddinas Ministry Area, and James Wragg-Smith will serve in Citizen Church.
The service began with the hymn ‘Church of God, elect and glorious’ . The words,written by James Edward Seddon, reflected the occasion perfectly.
‘Royal priests, fulfill your calling
through your sacrifice and prayer;
give your lives in joyful service
sing his praise, his love declare.
Diocesan Director of Ordinands, Rev’d Ryan Green. presented the nine candidates for Priesthood to Bishop Mary, who asked them “Alison, Jeremy, Natalie, James, Ali, Pete, Ross, Heather, and James, do you believe that God has called you to the office and work of a priest in his Church?”
They responded boldly, “ I believe that God has called me.”
The readings were taken from the Acts of the Apostles and the First Letter of Peter.
Dr Jane Williams, gave the sermon, where she spoke on St Peter, saying, “Peter was not perfect. You don’t have to be perfect to be the stones on which Jesus builds his church.

Together we are blundering our way through this, based on that most profound thing that Peter says, it isn’t about me. It’s about Jesus.”
Then Bishop Mary addressed the Ordinands saying, “Remember with thanksgiving that this ministry now to be entrusted to you is a sharing in the ministry of him who died on the cross. It will require sacrifice and bring suffering, but, lived faithfully, it will also bring you joy and peace.
You will need determination and perseverance, and because you cannot fulfil this ministry in your own strength, pray that each day the Lord will renew your calling that you may follow the Good Shepherd wherever he leads.”
The Bishop laid her hand on the head of each candidate, before they were vested by their Training Incumbents and handed a bible, chalice and paten. A paten is a small plate usually made of precious metal, used to carry the bread at the Eucharist.
The newly ordained Priests were then marked with Chrism oil on the palms of their hands before Bishop Mary presented them to the assembled congregation to be met with applause.
The celebrations inside the Cathedral concluded with the hymn ‘Go to the world!’ as our nine new priests left the cathedral and emerged out into the glorious sunshine to be met by those who have loved and supported them on their journey.

We continue to pray for Alison, Jeremy, Natalie, James, Ali, Pete, Ross, Heather, and James, that they may be granted patience and hope, gentleness and perseverance to work with all of God’s people, that through their ministry the world may come to know God’s glory and love.