The importance of Christian retreat for wellbeing
Fr Edward Owen TSSF, Vicar in the South Cardiff Ministry Area and Diocesan Spirituality Officer has recently returned from retreat in the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield. Here, he reflects on the importance of retreats and shares what he personally gains from time away with God.

Clergy in the Church in Wales are encouraged by their terms of service to take a retreat of five days once a year. It is a vital time of space and silence to reconnect with God and to return feeling renewed and refreshed.
However, there is always the temptation not to bother - it might be seen as time that could be used more productively elsewhere. But if as clergy we are to be as effective as God calls us to be, we need that sabbath time for renewal.
In a culture of obsessive busyness, retreats create space for God to break through in our lives
Retreat is an excellent opportunity for “desert time” to be alone with God. I’ve recently come back from Retreat at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield which was a wonderful time of prayer and silence. I took the opportunity to receive Spiritual Accompaniment from Fr John Gribben CR who observed that the thing clergy did most when they first arrived on retreat was sleep. Having been in my current post for 18 months, I felt that I needed some time to think and pray and it was a wonderful opportunity.
The richness of the monastic office four times a day gave an opportunity to reflect on the Psalms on a deeper level and to internalise their meaning. Even though I’ve prayed the Office Daily for over two decades, the opportunity to join in a monastic office for the first time in many years was one not to be missed.
Fr John gave me some directed reading, and we met each day to discuss my reflection on it and my ongoing relationship with God. It was a wonderful week of peace, quiet and reflection, but also a week of challenge about my own spiritual growth and development.
I feel much enriched by the time of retreat and believe it is a must for all Christians. In a culture of obsessive busyness, it creates space for God to break through in our lives and to transform and remould us with different priorities.
Fr Edward is a trustee of Llangasty Retreat House which receives financial support from the diocese. Read more about the work of Llangasty
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