Vale Church Choirs stun Exeter Cathedral in recent visit
The combined choirs of All Saints, Barry and St Peter’s Church, Peterston-super-Ely were invited to sing three services at Exeter Cathedral on the 1st and 2nd June.
These two choirs are both directed by James Bull BMus and, for the most part, sing choral Eucharists and Evensongs independently in their own churches but occasionally get together for bigger occasions.

At Exeter, they were 35 members strong, ranging in age from 12 to over 80. Their repertoire was taxing but having had excellent preparation under James’ direction they felt confident and well prepared. The organist was the renowned Jeff Howard who provided immaculate accompaniments which boosted their confidence even further.
At the Saturday Evensong, they sang the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F by George Dyson and the Welsh anthem “O Ddewi Sanctaidd” by the modern composer Meirion Wynn Jones, both works were much appreciated by the small congregation – many of whom were friends and relatives of choir members.

On Sunday, the Choral Eucharist was for Corpus Christi. After the introit “Oculi omnium” by Charles Wood, they processed through the nave filled with a large congregation. Everyone was thrilled to hear the celebrant say “Yn enw’r Tad, a’r Mab, a’r Ysbryd Glân in a very convincing Welsh accent. The Mass setting was Messe Solenelle by Louis Vierne - a challenging work - but the choir did James proud, to their great relief! The anthem was the very well-loved Panis Angelicus, by Cesar Frank.
The last evensong was the biggest challenge of all! – Three long psalms, Collegium Regale Evening Canticles by Herbert Howells and Antiphon, commonly known as ‘Let all the world in every corner sing,’ an energetic work by Vaughan Williams. Needless to say, that left everyone rather exhausted but content that they had not let themselves down as a visiting choir from Wales, the land of song.
James Bull, B.Mus, Benefice Organist for Barry and Organist and Choirmaster for All Saints Parish Church and St Peters' Church, Peterston-super-Ely said, “Exeter Cathedral is very beautiful inside and out. We were given a tremendous welcome by the staff and clergy, and what made it even better was the warm and sunny weather throughout the weekend.
I think the whole choir enjoyed themselves thoroughly and we can’t wait to repeat the experience next year in Salisbury Cathedral!”
All Saints' Barry rehearse on Tuesday between 7pm and 8:30pm, they can be contacted via email on Peterston Church Choir rehearse on Mondays between 5:30pm and 7pm, contact for more information.