"We must be driven to make a difference."- A reflection on Governing Body

Our new Head of Communications, Nicola Bennett, reflects on her experience at the Church in Wales Governing Body.
I’d never been to Governing Body before, and being totally honest I admit to not knowing very much about what is, essentially, the Church in Wales’ parliament so I jumped at the chance to attend the most recent gathering at the ICC in Newport.

Proceedings began on Tuesday with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, which was followed by a welcome to representatives from Mothers Union, Christian Aid and other churches. Then the President of Governing Body, Archbishop Andrew John gave his Presidential Address.
He spoke about Nehemiah with a focus on challenge and opportunity. He called on delegates to ‘Utilise resources, however meager they may seem.’ Returning to the Biblical story of Nehemiah he highlighted that Evangelism must be a shared priority, with a need for ‘ingenuity and creativity to utilise those on the margins and the centre.’ He acknowledged new challenges, particularly around recruitment of people with capacity, skills and heart, and spoke about the Growth Fund that is being made available to support the spiritual health of our churches.
Social justice and the environment were key themes of both the address and the Governing Body as a whole. He acknowledged that the church has made ambitious goals to tackle climate change, and progress had been made. But only 10% of our churches have completed the energy footprint tool. He warned that we need 100% pick up if the church is going to lead the way on this.
After announcing that the Church in Wales will host an all-Wales Climate Summit next month the Archbishop spoke about what an opportunity the summit is to demonstrate the church’s role in tackling climate change saying, “We have seen that church must mean much more than prayers and gathering on Sunday, that our commitment to justice, to the creation, to the poor might take us into uncomfortable places.”
You can read the full press release about the Climate Change Summit here.
There was then opportunity for questions from the floor, with participants taking the opportunity to clarify some key points from his address.
Another personal highlight came early on the second day following Morning Prayer when Sheran Harper Worldwide President of Mothers’ Union (pictured below) gave her address and spoke powerfully about domestic violence and the suffering of women around the world.

Particularly moving was the story she recalled of a visit to a home for teenage mothers in Uganda where she encountered a heavily pregnant 12-year-old girl playing with a doll. It was a stark call for action to us, as a church.
“We must be driven to make a difference, and reach the deepest, darkest corners where so many still scream silently… For if one part suffers, we all suffer.”
It was encouraging to watch the debating unfold- it struck me how people with differing views or opinions were able to speak respectfully to, and about, one another. It was a reminder, that although we often disagree on things it is possible to do so with love!
Whilst the idea of Governing Body may seem alien and remote to so many of us in the pews, it’s importance can’t be underestimated. The decisions and discussions at Governing Body over the last two days will have such a massive impact on who we are as a church, and who the wider community perceives us to be.
When it comes to issues like climate change, domestic violence and abuse the church has to speak out because, to quote Sheran Harper, “We have experienced the love of Jesus Christ in a life changing way. We cannot keep this to ourselves.”
A highlights report will be published by the Provincial Communications Team in due course, in the meantime you can rewatch both Governing Body sessions on the Church in Wales’ YouTube page.