Welsh bishops send their warmest congratulations to the new King and Queen

The Bishop of Llandaff has joined with other Bishops of the Church in Wales to send their warmest congratulations to the new King And Queen.
The Bishops of the Church in Wales say the Coronation will be a “significant and happy” occasion for the nation. In a statement released this week, the bishops ask for God’s blessing on the new King and Queen and give thanks in particular for King Charles’ service as Prince of Wales.
The Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, will be attending the Coronation and will be presenting regalia to the King. He will hand him the Sceptre with Dove.
Meanwhile churches across Wales will be holding special services, parties, concerts and events this Sunday (30 April) and next weekend to mark the Coronation with bell-ringers joining the “Ring for the King” event. Read more about how churches across the diocese are celebrating the Coronation in our news story.
Coronation Statement

The Coronation of Their Majesties The King and The Queen is a significant and happy occasion for our nation and for the Commonwealth and we know people from across the world will be joining us in praying for our new King and Queen.
We send our warmest congratulations to them and we ask that God will bless them with the true gifts of power and authority: courage to speak the truth, wisdom to share insight and experience, and a servanthood expressed in humility and a commitment to others.
We give thanks too for The King’s long and dedicated service as Prince of Wales, for the people and causes he supported and the friendship he extended, not least to our churches and congregations.
May Their Majesties have a long and happy reign.
The Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John
The Bishop of St Asaph, Gregory Cameron
The Bishop of Monmouth, Cherry Vann
The Bishop of Swansea and Brecon, John Lomas
The Bishop of Llandaff, Mary Stallard.
Coronation Prayer

Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
bless Charles our King,
whose Coronation we now celebrate.
Help him to fulfil his responsibilities,
that by his influence
he may maintain unity, goodwill and peace
among his peoples
and that persevering in good works to the end,
he may, by your mercy, come to your everlasting kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.