West Cardiff Church Partners with Local Action Group in Fight Against Heating Poverty

Ely Church makes 100 warm boxes, filled with handmade blankets, hats, scarves and gloves in partnership with local action group as the community fights against heating poverty in the cost-of-living crisis.
The Church of the Resurrection is supporting the local community charity ‘Action in Caerau & Ely’ (ACE) in the ‘Warm Box Appeal’ that aims to provide people in the area with the means to keep warm this winter in spite of soaring energy bills and other hardships the cost-of-living crisis brings.
People at the Church of the Resurrection in Ely have been busy knitting and shopping to provide hats, scarves, gloves, blankets and hot water bottles for the warm box appeal.
Boxes will be supplied to 50 families and 50 individuals who are struggling to keep warm at home in these challenging times.
Vicar of the Church of the Resurrection, Rev’d Canon Jan Gould said, “We feel it's really important to partner with other agencies in the area because when we work together, we work more effectively, we're much stronger and we can do so much more rather than trying to do it all on our own.
“Everybody's struggling at the minute but there are little things that you can do that really make a difference. Adding our little bit of difference to ACE means we can make a bigger difference.”
ACE is a community-developed charity owned and run by the residents of Ely and Caerau in West Cardiff. The Church of the Resurrection began its close relationship with the charity in lockdown and enjoys collaborating on creative and constructive projects such as this one.
These are hard times ... we're much stronger together
ACE came up with the idea of "Warm Boxes" for those who will be feeling the cold and are unable to heat their homes sufficiently. They reached out to the church to ask if people would be interested in getting involved.
The blankets, scarves, hats and gloves etc have been knitted by the church’s Thursday morning craft group who have been dedicating many hours in the church hall and in their homes over the last few weeks.
Others who have wanted to contribute have bought and donated hot water bottles and more to go in the packs. Local school children packed the boxes in the second week of December ready to be sent out.
One member of the church live her life with the effects of brain damage but Rev’d Jan reports: “she can crochet like mad. So, she was sat in bed crocheting blankets. Everybody wanted to do what little they could.
“These are hard times when people are really cold and a lot of people are not able to have heating on. We see so many people are really struggling especially in an area like this. We just thought this is something we could do.”