Children and Families

Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me’Mark 9.36-37
We all love to be connected. Every day we connect with people – face to face, over the phone, through social media, even the smallest of connections can leave their mark on us.
So how are we connecting with the children and families in our communities? Churches in our cities, towns and villages can be places that offer a welcome and generous hospitality to parents, carers and children in their communities, and the ways that we can do this are endless – from toddler groups, to coffee and chat to family extravaganzas.
If we want to tell a joyful story, grow the Kingdom and build our capacity for good we need to connect with children and families who are not already part of our worshipping communities. We need to create connection and bridges for people who would not consider themselves ‘church-goers’

Engaging with Children and Families
Each ministry area, village, town, community is different, there is no one size fits all. If our work, ministry and support is to be authentic, relevant and life-giving we must know our neighbourhoods.
- Where are the children and families that you care about?
- Where are the children and families in your community?
- Where are the children and families in your buildings?
If you're not sure where to start our team can work with you to answer these questions and start thinking about next steps.
At the heart of reaching out to children and families is the desire to build relationships and get to know people. We want to create repeated, meaningful contact with parents and carers and their children. We need to talk to families – and keep talking to them.
To make this truly effective you need team or church members available and willing to talk to children, parents, carers, etc., and mention other things that are happening within wider church life.

What could you do?
The possibilities are endless! I’d love to talk to you about your skills, resources and passions – and help you identify next steps.
Some key questions to ask:
- Are you doing assemblies in schools? How can you further build relationships with staff, parents/carers and pupils?
- Are there babies and toddlers in your local community? How are you engaging with them?
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Drop in events for all – Tea and Toast, Hot Chocolate Wednesday (other days are available)
- School holiday specials – Fun Afternoon, Games Café, Lego Club, Craft Club etc.
- Baby and toddler groups
- Building links with community groups – health visitors, other community groups, flying start
- Welcome for all – work with the Diocesan Outreach and Justice team to grow accessibility and inclusivity
- Building links with external organisations to provide support for families and individuals
With all these initiatives, it's important to consider what happens next? How do these become part of a pathway into wider church life?

Point of Contact
For support and assistance in your outreach work to Children and Families, please contact the Diocesan Children and Families Outreach Enabler, Ruth Young, at