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Ukraine: One year on

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On 24th February 2022 the world was united in shock as the armed forces of the Russian Federation launch an unprovoked attack on Ukraine.A year later, as the war drags on, lives continued to be lost, and many still seek safety from Ukraine, the Diocese of Llandaff is renewing its call for all to root ourselves in prayers for peace, lamenting with the people of Ukraine, standing in unity with those in danger or grief, and for action from those political and military leaders who can avert further suffering.Prayer for PeaceGod our Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords,As a year passes since the invasion of Ukraine,hear our prayers for those who are sufferingas we raise up to You all involved in this terrible conflict.Our strength and shield, protect those in Ukraineand those seeking refuge in neighbouring countries.May Your unconquerable shield protect them,and Your guiding hand lead them to safety.Open our hearts to their plight, and may the love of Christchallenge and call us to show compassion and generosity toward them.Ruler of Rulers, soften the hearts of politicians, generals,and all who seek to further this conflict.Through the grace of Your Holy Spirit may their eyes be openedto the pain, suffering and harm war causes.Turn them away from war and onto a path of peace and reconciliation.Prince of Peace, unite us through Your spirit in condemnation of war and oppressionand help us to confess our faith in You through our actions to those in need,and our voice to those in power.Heavenly Father, hear our cries for peace, from this day until the coming of Your Kingdom,in the name of Your son, our saviour Jesus Christ.AmenPlaces for prayerMany of our churches are open throughout the day for private prayer and support. If you’re looking for somewhere to pray for peace in Ukraine on the 1 year anniversary of the invasion, the following locations will be open:Llandaff CathedralOpen between 10.00 and 16.00, with a Eucharist at 07.00, Morning Prayer and Eucharist at 08.00, and Evening Prayer at 17.30St Martin’s, Roath (Cardiff)Mass for Peace between Ukraine and Russia at 12.00All Saints, PenarthOpen between 09.00 and 12.00St Winifred’s, PenrhiwceiberOpen between 08.30 and 13.00, with Mass at 09.30St Agnes, Port TalbotOpen between 09.00 and 15.00Communities for UkraineSince the earliest weeks of the invasion of Ukraine the Diocese of Llandaff has been working with Citizens UK and USPUK to enable and support homeowners in Wales to welcome families and individuals fleeing Ukraine through the Communities for Ukraine programme. Since February 2022, 7.8 million Ukrainians have been displaced, and thousands are still waiting in refugee centres across Europe. As the war continues into it’s second year, this number will only increase.As a result the Communities for Ukraine programme is desperately in need of more host families in Wales who can provide a safe place for Ukrainians. If you are interested in opening your home to a Ukrainian fleeing war, or supporting refugees from Ukraine or elsewhere in your community, please contact the Diocesan Outreach and Social Justice Lead, Christoph Auckland, at for Ukraine Anniversary EventOn 24th February, the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, Citizens UK are hosting an online event which will mark the one year anniversary of the war by lamenting the loss and disruption to lives, celebrating the stories of hope from those who have found safety in the UK, and committing to finding more hosts to help and support Ukrainians still in danger.The event starts at 6pm, and you can register online at

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