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Ministry Areas

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English content

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In this SectionIntroducing Ministry AreasMapsWorkshops 2022ToolkitsManaging ChangeFAQs

Welsh content

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Introducing Ministry Areas

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Ministry Areas are a return to a more collaborative way of working to enable God’s people to work together effectively and creatively for church growth. They will help to establish a stronger Christian presence in our communities, and enable us collectively to do more, today and into the future.

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Resources block 6


Map of the Diocese of Llandaff

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Data Insight Maps

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Demographic data about your Ministry Area. Includes information about population, census data and ministry statistics.

Access the maps

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Workshops 2022

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Tuesday 15 March: Practical Analysis of Ministry Areas: auditing the MA in terms of what is happening, demographic info, cultural analysis, areas of strengths and weakness all leading to a prayerful understanding of building vision for local mission. Email for Zoom link.All Ministry Area Development training events can be found on our Learning and Development calendar.

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Workshop 1: Ministry Area Council (MAC) responsibilities

Workshop 2: Ministry Area Communication

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Resources block 13

Essential information

Ministry Area Handbook

Ministry Area FAQs

MA Structure Diagram

Ministry Area Boundary Maps

MA Planning Template (MATT)

MA Planning Template Explanation

Self-Evaluation Document

Ministry Area Implementation Check-List

Resources block 14

Roles within Ministry Areas

MA Lay Chair Profile

MA Leader Role Profile

Meet our Ministry Area Lay Chairs

Information for New Ministry Area Council (MAC) Members

Resources block 15

Finance & Governance

Ministry Area Finance Guide

Ministry Area Legal and Governance

The essential trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do (Gov.UK guidance)

A guide to good governance in churches (Eng)

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Webinar: Good Governance in Churches

Resources block 16


Serving your community: Christians Against Poverty guide

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Communication & Engagement

Ministry Area Engagement Plan

How to Communicate Ministry Areas

Communication Plan: Monthly, Quarterly, Annually

Glossary of Ministry Area Roles

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Managing Change

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Graham Loveluck-Edwards, member of the De Morgannwg Ministry Area Transition Team, introduces the concepts of the Change Church and circles of influence, outlines the range of emotions and feelings that everybody goes through when dealing with major change in their lives, and in this case, relates it to to the formation of Ministry Areas.We invite you to play watch this at your next Ministry Area Transition Team meeting.