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Godly Play

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English content

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Godly Play is a way of telling joyful stories and developing spirituality in young children. It offers open ended opportunities for discussion and children to explore their faith. Session can include creative opportunities, prayer and reflection time.

Welsh content

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Godly Play Website

Further information from Godly Play UK.

Click here to visit page

Godly Play session

An overview of what happens in a Godly Play session.

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Training opportunities

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The following resources are available to loan from the diocese.If you would like to loan a resource please fill out the form or contact

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AdventAdvent (Lessons 1,2 3 and 4) - Advent cards, rack, model of Bethlehem, purple cloth, four candles, matches in a box, candle snufferThe Holy Family - 4 underlays in liturgical colours, wicker tray holding wooden figures, Nativity scene figures, white underlay, Christ figure with outstretched arms, large candle and holder.The Mystery of Christmas - a gold wooden box, pictures of: the annunciation, the visitation, nativity, presentation of Christ in the temple, adoration of Magi, massacre of the innocents, flight to Egypt, labels for each picture.Epiphany - Myrrh, six golden chocolate covered coins, Frankincense, tweezers, model of Bethlehem. *

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The Parables5. The Good Shepherd6. The Good Samaritan7. The Sower8. The Great Pearl9. The Leaven10. The Mustard Seed11. The Parable of the Parables

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Spring12. The Mystery of Easter13. The Faces of Easter14. The Crosses15. Easter Eggs16. Jesus and the Twelve17. The Good Shepherd and the World Communion18. The Synagogue and the Upper Room19. The Cirlce of the Holy Eucharist20. The Mystery of Pentacost21. Paul's Discovery22. The Holy Trinity

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Autumn23. The Circle of the Church Year24. The Creation25. The Flood and the Ark26. The Great Family27. The Exodus28. The Ten Best Ways29. The Ark and the Tent30. The Ark and the Temple31. The Exile and the Return32. Jonah, the Backward Prophet33. The Prophets

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Click here to view resource catalogue

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*Please note some additional resources may be needed for this activity.

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Book your resources

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