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Ministry Areas: How are we doing?

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How it began

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This time last we were beginning our Ministry Area journey. Your Standing Committee representatives had previously agreed to accelerate plans to implement Ministry Areas and Bishop June announced our plans at Diocesan Conference 2020."We are putting before you today a new plan for parish life in Llandaff. The whole purpose which lies behind this initiative of our church is to allow us to sustain parish ministry. As we watch chapels close and non-conformist ministers become few on the ground, we cannot afford to watch parish life also disappear. "Bishop June, Diocesan Conference 2020What followed was a three month Ministry Area roadshow to engage in conversation and to explain further the process of establishing Ministry Areas. Much of 2021 has been spent forming Ministry Area Transition Teams, identifying Leaders and Lay Chairs, agreeing a name and preparing decrees so that by 1st January 2022 all 29 Ministry Areas will be legally formedThe following video was shown at each roadshow and has been used at Governing Body to explain Llandaff's approach to Ministry Areas.

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How are we doing?

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Thanks to your hard work and unwavering commitment to growing the Kingdom of God, we are well on our way to having all Ministry Area decrees ready for 1st January 2022.18 Ministry Areas have agreed their Decrees with Harriet Morgan, Diocesan Registrar, and the final documents are preparing to be sent to the Bishop's office ready for 1st January.11 Ministry Areas are in the process of finalising the content of their Decrees.The East Vale Ministry Area was inaugurated on 19 September.Training on the new finance system has been delivered for Ministry Area Treasurers. To have achieved this during a pandemic is quite amazing and we are all proud of how much you have achieved under challenging circumstances. Thank you.

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What happens next?

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Ministry Area Transition Team's are working with their congregations to identify volunteers who could take on roles for communication, Safeguarding or young faith. Speak to your local priest if you have a calling to serve your Ministry Area. The Diocesan Office team are keen to work with you as you begin to shape your Ministry Area plans. Our focus is on providing essential training and resources to help you communicate well, reach young people in your area and provide outreach opportunities.If you need any support or advice just drop them a line.Young Faith MattersSteve Lock, Senior Engagement Worker, and MissionThe Reverend Canon Timothy Llewellyn Jones, Director of Ministry and Discipleship, Auckland, Senior Outreach Officer, BuildingsSarah Perons, Church Development Officer, and Parish ResourcesMark Brampton, Parish Resources Adviser, Michael Gable, Ministry Area Finance Adviser, Batten, Director of Communication and Engagement,