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Navigating Trauma course available for Ministry Areas

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The diocese has secured 20 places for Ministry Area's to take part in the Bible Society's Navigating Trauma programme at Glenwood Church, Cardiff on Tuesday 3rd May, 1.30pm-5pm.

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Navigating Trauma is a programme for people who've experienced suffering and who still feel the effects in their lives, perhaps years later. Built on a solid foundation of mental health best practice, Navigating Trauma not only equips churches to directly support those who have experienced trauma, but equips their congregations and communities more widely to walk alongside them, building resilience within communities and ensuring those skills resonate throughout the church family.Getting involvedWe are inviting Ministry Areas to send a member of their clergy team or someone who could lead on this area of work within their churches, to experience the Navigating Trauma programme and to consider trialing it in your Ministry Area with the support of the Diocesan Outreach team.Many in our communities, in our churches, have experienced trauma or grief - whether it’s through violence, abuse, substance misuse or loss - and these experiences have only been intensified during the coronavirus pandemic. Individuals and communities are buckling under the pressure this trauma is causing and, as we can often lack the spiritual or theological skills or language to understand and unpack these experiences, this can lead many to lose faith in a God they feel is absent.But, as Psalm 34 says “The LORD is near to the broken-hearted, and saves the crushed in spirit,” and this is a mission field the Church is uniquely called to.If you’re keen to attend, or know someone who might be, you can let me know at

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